Finished and in Action

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The words slipped from my mothers' lips as though they were said all the time. By now, they probably were. 

I was in a situation not many people can get in. I am associated with a gang because my mother was stupid enough to have a kid with a gang member. So, the gang blood runs in my veins as I am told.

The gang is called 'The Silent Deaths'. It makes sense because they can make any death seem like an accident. It scares me because I always feel like I'm going to be the next victim.

I don't know why I think that considering my dad wants me to lead the gang at some point. But there was one thing he wanted more than anything.

His ambition for this drove him to a state of mind he can't leave until he gets what he wants. But, since I'm his daughter and he wants everyone to praise me, he wants me to do it.

"Mom you can't," I protested against what she just said.

"Too late. We're getting the money whether you want it or not," she replied sharply. 

I looked at her, my eyes narrowing, "Alright. If I die doing this, my death wish is to have you put in jail."

My mother's eyes widened and the guy looked at me, "Now sweetheart-"

"Don't call me that, So-Young."

"Alright. Y/N, you're going to change your mind before you die," So-Young spoke grimly.

I crossed my arms, "Try me."

"Soo-Jin, get her out of my sight," So-Young turned around and grabbed a pen and paper.

Soo-Jin sighed and signed the paper, "Go outside. Your father and I have something to take of."

I rolled my eyes and pushed my way out of the room. A few guys went to go cut me off but when they came over, I just pushed them away. I walked out of the building, my anger still at max level.

She agreed without my consent even though it was about me. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. They wanted me to hurt someone when they didn't do anything to satisfy their ambition.

I sat in the car, thinking about what I'd say to my mother when she came out. Soon enough, the door opened and my mother entered the car.

"Thanks for basically deciding my life," I hissed without looking at her.

"Look, it's for your own good," she tried to explain.

"No, it's not! You're only doing for the money and you're too fricking scared to do it yourself!" I yelled, whipping around to face my mother.

"You start tomorrow. I don't want to hear any more complaining," she spoke with so much force it sounded as if she didn't want to say it.

"Oh, you're gonna hear a lot more complaining. You basically decided whether I went into the blood hole of a gang or not. Do you not know how big of a deal that is?!" I spat harshly.

"Shut up. You will bring glory to the Zhang family," my mother barked, her voice icy and full of hate.

"I'd bring shame. Not glory," I muttered before turning away sharply. My eyes stayed narrow as we pulled into the driveway.

As soon as she stopped, I opened the car door. I got out and slammed the door shut before running inside. 





I walked upstairs to my room and slammed that door too. I honestly thought I cracked the door a little with how hard it hit the frame.

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