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Days passed and turned to weeks. Not a word from any of them. By them, I mean someone. By someone I mean Taehyung. He hasn't texted me, called me, or tried to see me. Maybe I finally pushed him to the edge and made him feel the hurt, unwanted feeling I did. I shook my head. I couldn't focus on not hearing from him rather than hating him.

"Harder, Y/N," So-Young demanded.

Right now, I'm still training. Eight weeks and a half into training. It was surprising to see how fast time had gone by. I was stronger physically and mentally. I've learned how to control my emotions and how to use them to my advantage. It's relieving knowing I can fend for myself now.

I swung my arm at the punching bag, dust scattering around it from contact. I was perfecting my hand-to-hand combat a the moment and had some people watching me. Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Kim Yugyeom, Lucas Wong, Na Jaemin, Choi Tzuyu, and Son Chaeyoung. Their parents were all friends of So-Young and So-Young had requested they all come to see how far I have come.

"Dang she's got an arm," Jaemin commented with a small chuckle.

"No kidding. I wouldn't want to be in a fight with her," Mark smiled as he put in his thought.

Over the eight and a half weeks, I've gotten to know Mark more. He may seem like the kind of guy to be wild but he's actually fairly quiet. I've also come to realize people get quiet when around just him. I don't know why but it just happens.

"Well done, Y/N," So-Young praised as he walked over and threw his arm around my shoulders.

I smiled brightly. Hearing the praise made me feel better. It made me feel strong. When I was little, he'd never praise me because I wasn't strong enough.

"Mind showing them your gun skills," he then asked.

I shrugged and walked over to the left wall, which held the guns. I grabbed a handgun before walking out the door, So-Young and the others following. I exited the building and walked through tall grass before reaching the private gun range my father had. Everyone took a seat behind me so they knew they were safe from any stray bullets.

I didn't just shoot though. I was taught how to miss shots while trying to hit a target as well. So-Young took it to the point of having me learn how to do a backflip. The learning process of that was horrible but amusing to watch. I felt pressured to get this right since everyone was watching. As I moved from one side to the next, shooting every so often and hitting the center of the target, I heard small shocked gasps and murmuring. I feared it was something about me and that I was doing something wrong.

After I finished, we all went back inside and sat in the living room talking. I was sitting next to Mark and Chaeyoung, turned slightly more towards Chaeyoung. We were deep in a quiet conversation about who she liked before she turned it around on me.

"So what's this about you and Mark?"

"What do you mean?"

"Yugyeom and Lucas have said something to me about Mark being nicer towards you. Tzuyu also told me you talk about him a lot when with her. Why can she know the tea but not me?"

"First of all, never call it 'the tea' when around me. Jackson already annoys the crap out of me with saying it since he found out I hate it. Second of all, I still don't understand what you mean. Mark and I are just friends. Nothing more. Relax. If you like him then go for it. The worst thing that could happen is him letting you down gently. Knowing him, he'd be upset to see any one of us cry."

"Doesn't look like it. He's only that way to you and why on Earth would I like him? Sure, he's a great guy but he's not my type. But you know who is? Bang Chan."

"Oh my God, Chaeyoung, we talked about this. If you like him tell him. Don't bring all your sappy emotions to me when you could tell him. They're literally a block away. How hard is it?"

"How hard is what," Mark cut in, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"See? He seems to only be dirty minded when around you. Not to mention he never stops looking at you when you talk," Chaeyoung whispered.

I groaned inwardly before replying, "We were talking about something and then she brought Chan into this."

"Which Chan? Kang Yoochan or Christopher Chan," Mark questioned further.

"Well, considering it's Chaeyoung, who do you think?"

"Then it's gotta be Yoochan."

"Oh my God, how'd you figure it out?"

Obviously Mark was joking and so was I. Everyone knew Chaeyoung liked Bang Chan and not Kang Yoochan. Although, Yoochan is pretty cute but thats not the point.

"Just date already," Chaeyoung groaned in unsatisfaction.

"I should be saying that about you and Chan. He obviously enjoys having you around and I'm sure he likes you too," I replied, trying to ignore the heat rushing to my cheeks.

Glancing at Mark, his eyes were wide, cheeks were red, and he was dead silent. You could tell he was embarrassed but it was cute. Wait. Hold up. Step back. Stop. I'm not getting into any relationship. The last time I tried getting into one, we all saw how that worked out. That's what got me here in the first place.

"Y/N," Jackson snapped his fingers repeatedly, snapping me out of my daze.


"You were staring and we were worried," Yugyeom sighed and looked at me worriedly.


"You only stare when deep in thought," Mark interrupted unintentionally as he gazed at me.

"See? He even notices the small habits you have," Tzuyu whispered from behind me.

"How many times are you two going to say 'see' at the beginning of your statement," I asked, turning my head to face them.

"What," Lucas furrowed his eyebrows.

"Girl talk I'm assuming," Jaemin smiled innocently as he looked at Lucas.

"It's not girl talk. I'm not into that stuff. What it is, is Chaeyoung and Tzuyu are determined to prove I like Mark and he likes me and trying to get us to date. Anytime he does something even remotely kind toward me, they're always like 'See? Blah blah blah' and it's tiring."

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung were giggling amongst themselves as I stood up, "Anyway, I'm going to get something to drink. Does anyone want anything?"

"Water please," Yugyeom and Lucas said in sync.

"Any kind of food," Jaemin said.

"I'm good but thanks," Jackson smiled before adding, "And that's the tea, sis."

"Oh my God I will come over there and personally choke slame you through the floor," the words came out rushed but audible.

Jackson began laughing and I could tell Yugyeom was trying to contain his amusement. I groaned before walking into the kitchen and turning when I heard footsteps. To my surprise, I saw Mark with a gentle but anxious look.

"You okay," I asked asked as I began getting two cups of water and a small bag of chips for Jaemin.

"Yeah you just didn't let me answer your question," he pointed out as he stepped closer to me.

I could tell he was nervous. The normal glint of pureness, bliss, and just calmness in his deep brown eyes was gone. It worried me because I have never seen this. I've been put on missions with him before and he was never like this. He was always relaxed and confident about the plan. What was making him so nervous?

"Oh, well, what do you want?"

He took a deep breath before replying, "This."

His answer confused me until the space between us was gone and his lips met mine. They were gentle and soft and I couldn't help but return the kiss. But I knew something was going to happen the second I heard his voice.

"It's been eight and a half weeks and you've already moved on?"

He was back and I just became neck deep in trouble.

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