Slipping and Failing

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The next few days of school were tiring and boring. I still had to stick with Taehyung because he wouldn't leave me alone.

At one point, his girlfriend started joining in. At that point, I wanted to die. They insisted on sitting by me at lunch and making sure one of them was at my side every second.

I sat in the lunchroom, Haw-Young, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jimin, Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook, and Yoongi sitting with me.

I kept quiet, not really wanting to say anything to any of them. Hwa-Young was plain boring and the rest were just guys. Loud, boisterous guys.

"Hey, Y/N, why are you so quiet?" Jin asked.

"Keep her that way. We don't need more of you," Yoongi cut in.

"Because I am," I replied before falling silent once again. I looked over at Taehyung and caught him looking at me.

'Yeah. Now I really don't want to do this' I thought sighing. My phone dinged and I looked at the screen.

I saw it was from my mother and hid the screen. I read the message, glancing up to make sure no one could see it.

"Who are you talking to? Your boyfriend," Jungkook asked, meaning the last part as a joke.

An idea came to mind, "Yes. Why does it matter?"

Everyone at the table must've heard his question along with my response because they fell silent.

"You're already dating someone," Jimin spoke, shock written across his handsome face.

"You act surprised," I replied coldly, slightly offended.

"You've been here for what, four days? And you're already dating someone," Namjoon said, trying to point out how shocking it was.

"Yeah, your point is...?"

"That's impossible. It isn't reasonable," Yoongi pointed out.

"Ever heard of talking? It gets people places."

They all sighed. The only one who seemed to stay quiet was Taehyung. I looked over at him and he was staring at the table, clearly lost in thought.

Hwa-Young was murmuring something to him but I couldn't make out what it was. I sighed, knowing that I'd have to start breaking the two up if I wanted to leave this place.

"I'm gonna go," I mumured before standing up.

"Can I have your food," Jin inquired.

I shrugged and began walking away. I got to the lunchroom doors before I knew someone was behind me, "Which one?"


The deep voice of Taehyung filled my ears and I sighed. It was better than having Hwa-Young around in my opinion.

I nodded and continued walking. We kept two feet apart like I had asked the first day I got here. My eyes wandered around the hall until they landed on Taehyung.

I only then realized what I signed up for.

He had dark brown hair that fell perfectly over the top of his eyebrows. 

His jawline was sharper than I could imagine. 

His skin seemed so soft but I didn't dare touch.

But what made me feel like I had made a deal with the devil were his eyes.

The wide almond shape that held dark brown orbs mezmorized me. They way they were always so gentle with me. Never full of anger nor annoyance. They were somehow always filled with bliss.

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