Deeper in His Life

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(All is going to be in Authors POV today and it's about Taehyung. No, his actual childhood wasn't like this)

"You're doing it all wrong!"

The sharp words split the air like knives. The boy flinched as his fathers' words stabbed his heart.

"W-what did I do wrong?"

The young boys' words weren't steady at all and he shook with fear of being hit again.

Life as the son of one of the most respected men in Seoul was hard. You had high standards you have to meet and it's hard sometimes.

Taehyung held the gun, his hands shaking as he looked at the target. His small hands barely being able to wrap around the handle and hold it. His fingers barely touched the trigger which made it harder for him to get it right.

Six and he was already being taught how to use a gun. His mother said nothing as she stood out of the way of the trembling boy.

Tears stained his cheeks as he let his fathers' ice cold tone slice open his heart and bury deep within his soul.

The chocolate brown hair falling almost perfectly over the boys' eyes as the strong hands of his brutal father forced him to stay still.

Fear gripped his heart as he looked at the target. It wasn't a normal target and what he saw could never be changed.

Blood splattered on a metal sheet, white fur stained with old and new blood. Broken bones protruded from the limp frame. Blood stained the wood post holding up the metal sheet. The once shiny sheet was now dull and full of bullet holes. The mutilated bunny stayed pinned to the sheet, never leaving.

"Stop crying you baby. Man up and shoot the dang thing," Byung-Woo hissed and slapped him upside the head.

Taehyung had already taken the bunnies life and he didn't want to do anything more. 

Animal abuse was what this was.

But, he's witnessed worse. He was taken on missions with his father so he was shown what he needed to be.

"D-Dad...I can't," the boy cried as the gun weighed down his tiny hands. His whole body trembled and tears landed on the gun.

"You're pathetic," Byung-Woo snapped and ripped the gun from his sons' hands. Without hesitating, he shot the rabbit multiple times.

He shoved the gun back into Taehyungs' hands, "Shoot the rabbit."

His words were firm and had a deeper meaning than what was given. Taehyung met the mans' eyes, fear swallowing the brown orbs that had softened his mothers' words so many times.

Byung-Woo meant if he didn't shoot the rabbit, he would be conscious for long. He unsteadily pointed the gun at the rabbit and shot, crying as he did.

As soon as the bang rang in the small clearing, he dropped the gun and ran. His feet hit the ground with desperate thuds. Speed was his friend right now as fear controlled all his emotions.

He ran into the house and up to his room, crying the whole way. The security guards didn't even move to see if he was ok. No one cared and no one ever would. He told himself he'd never be like his father over and over. But, all he saw in his reflection was his father, staring back at him with ice cold eyes.

He heard the door open and slam shut and cried even more.

"Byung-Woo you don't understand! He's six for crying out loud! You can't expect him to be just like you!"

"Rae-Joon I swear to god, shut up. I want the best for him! He was born into this and if he can't hold the fricking gun then he won't survive in this! All of this is a game of skill and smarts. He's already smart enough to listen to understand what this is now he just needs skill."

"He's six!"

"I was four when I learned how to shoot a gun. You're lucky I didn't make him start training when he was four."

"Byung-Woo, all I have ever asked of you is to let Taehyung live a good, blood-free life. If you can't let that happen then fine, train him. But as soon as he's fifteen, we're leaving and you can sort out the blood of your enemies on your own."

Hearing this, Taehyung cried a bit more. Nine more horrible years of training with his father. But, deep down in the part of his heart, he swore he'd never listen to, his father was just looking out for him.

___________Seven years later__________

"That's right!"

Taehyung had trained much harder than he had before. He had even learned that when you hear the gun-shot, always know where the gun is pointing and either jump or raise your hands to keep the vital parts of your body safe.

He watched as Byung-Woo aimed for a punch at his face but he knew what he expected. He expected Taehyung to move to the left so he'd aim for the left side. So, he ducked and moved to the right.

He heard Byung-Woo's hand hit the wall and smirked. He looked at his father, the seven years of training paying off after all. His father hissed in pain but Taehyung could see approval in his fathers' cold pools of brown eyes.

'Taehyung! Min-Jae is here for you!"

His mothers' voice interrupted his training and he smiled. He ran upstairs, leaving his father. Seeing the brown, smooth, and soft hair, Taehyung greeted his friend with a big hug. He felt the other wrap his arms around him in response.

Byung-Woo walked up after a little bit, cleaning the small cuts on his knuckles from hitting the wall.

"Guessing you were practicing," Min-Jae asked even though he already knew the answer.

Taehyung nodded, "But I've improved enough for training to be a bit lighter."

Min-Jae nodded and the two walked into Taehyung's room. The two sat down and began playing video games.

When Min-Jae, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, or Jungkook came over was his only break from training.

The two had a good time, messing around and being normal thirteen-year-olds. Taehyung couldn't stop laughing for some reason.

But, a knock at the door caught their attention. The two rushed to the door like siblings and opened it.

They were greeted by a tall, slender man and a young girl that looked like she had dressed up for this.


Byung-Woos' voice sounded behind the two teens and the looked from the two back at Taehyungs' dad.

"I'm here to talk about the arrangement," So-Young explained and Byung-Woo nodded.

"Kids, take Y/N and go play some game or something," Byung-Woo said, pushing the kids away.

After the kids left, Byung-Woo and So-Young sat down and began talking about the arrangement.

Unbeknownst to the two males themselves, Y/N heard everything.

Her and one of the eight males lives signed away like they were slaves.

Authors Note
Hey what do you know, I updated again
There's more insight on the deal that Soo-Jin agreed to

However, there is more too it than just that

If you guys want, I could do the same thing I did for this for the reader
Remember, feedback is greatly appreciated^^

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