White Rose

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I inhaled sharply and looked at the paper in front of me. All I was ever taught came flying through my mind as I wrote down answer after answer.

One month, two weeks, five days, forty-nine minutes, and seventeen seconds had gone by since Taehyung had left, and three days since he had sent me anything.

I finished the test and looked at the clock. I had five minutes until the school day was over. Ever since I found out more about the others, I've hung out with them a lot more. Yoongi has begun to leave me alone and Jin has taken the place as my 'guardian'. 

Namjoon has asked a couple of times how I got involved in this gang mess yet I refuse to tell them. Partly because I am only now remembering some of my childhood. It still scared me to think Taehyung knew but never said anything,

I went and turned my test in and gathered my things. I wanted to leave as soon as I could due to having to sit next to Dae-Hyun, one of the most annoying but smartest people this school obtained. 

Rae-Joon, a girl I had decided to befriend, seemed to click with him. I can tell he's even annoyed with her but who wouldn't. She talks non-stop and feels the need to ask you what you're doing every two seconds. Not to mention she assumes you're ignoring her if you stop responding for longer than a second.

The bell rang and I jumped out of my seat. I quickly walked to my locker and met up with Hoseok and Jin. I exchanged my books and notebooks for my bag and hoodie. I shut the dark, navy blue door and looked at Hoseok.

"Can you please tell me how you were dragged into the gang," he pleaded.

I sighed and shook my head, "I didn't tell Namjoon so I won't tell you."

"Fair enough. But you have to tell us at some point. We told you how we got here," Jin reminded me as we began walking toward the school door.

"I know but you got something out of it. I didn't really get much," I stated.

"Not really. They haven't found Taehyung anywhere; no one has even heard of his presence there," Hoseok cut in.

I gulped, knowing they'd figure out I was lying at some point and that some point may be coming close.

"You ok? The second we mentioned no one knowing of Taehyung you gulped and stopped talking," Jin asked.

"I'm fine. Are we going out tonight or can I go back to the house," I asked.

Namjoon had insisted on getting me a house since I had told them about Soo-Jin and I's relationship. I told them no but here I am, asking if I can go back to the house they bought for me.

"Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hoseok have to sort out files and work out things will work on the upcoming mission," Jin explained and Hoseok nodded.

"So I'm free for the night," I wanted to make sure before I made plans with someone and then had to cancel.

"Yeah. Have plans I'm guessing," Jin nodded and looked at me.

"Not exactly. I just have a few things I want to get done," I replied as we reached the car.

Jin and Hoseok sat in the front while I sat in the back. I looked at my phone, going through Instagram and liking random posts.

Jin pulled up to the house and let me out. I thanked him quickly before walking inside.

I sighed and walked in, shutting the door. The noise echoed out through the house since it was so big. I swear the mean to make me feel bad that they bought this place.

I sighed, knowing they had made it to where they could come over and there still be space

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I sighed, knowing they had made it to where they could come over and there still be space. I didn't mind having such a big place other than the fact that I had nothing to do with space I didn't use.

I walked over and flopped down on the couch closest to the door before turning on the tv. I found a show I somewhat liked and began watching.

I didn't realize how late it was until I had gotten up to get something to eat. I looked out the window and watched as the light from inside the house poured onto the streets.

I sighed and began making ramen. I added some kimchi before walking back to my place on the couch. I began eating before I put on a movie. The 'Lady Vengeance' to be exact.

I sat there for a while, only getting up to go wash the bowl and come back. I yawned as I watched the movie, my gaze never leaving the screen.

Hearing a knock, I jumped a little before going over and opening the door. When I did, I saw Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok. I smiled and stepped aside to let them in.

"I plan on making you all dinner. Y/N, I'm not sure if you've already eaten so I won't be offended if you don't eat much or at all," Jin smiled before beginning to work in the kitchen.

I gave a quick smile before looking over at Hoseok, Yoongi, and Namjoon, "Do you guys want to continue watching Lady Vengeance with me?"

"I love that movie," Hoseok began pulling me over to the couch. I could hear the footsteps of Namjoon and Yoongi, suggesting they had followed.

I sat in the corner farthest from the door on the couch closest to the door. Namjoon sat next to me while Yoongi and Hoseok sat on the other couch; Yoongi obviously taking the longer side and laying down.

"Lady Vengeance is a good movie," Jin commented as he worked.

I smiled and continued to watch. Soon I was leaning to the side and Namjoon was using my side as a pillow.

"Hey Jin, what are you making? It smells really good," I asked as I turned my head to look at the older male.

"I'm making bibimbap and samgyeopsal," Jin answered, not looking up.

I nodded and turned back to the tv. I proped my head on my hand, dozing slightly. I heard someone knock at the door again and groaned.

Namjoon sat up and I stood up. I walked to the door and opened, only to find that no one was there. With a puzzled look, I looked around before looking down. I saw a thin but medium lengthed box and picked it up.

I shut the door and walked back over to the couch. There was nothing on the box except the word 'Please'.

I opened the box and looked at what was inside. There was a white rose that was wilting at the very end of the petals. Despite the fact that it was dying, it looked beautiful.

"Who's it from," Hoseoks' question lulled me out of my thoughts and I looked up.

"I'm not sure. The only thing on the box was the word 'Please'.

"Plea- I know who it's from," Yoongi sounded rather shocked and scared.

"Who," I asked.

"Get that rose out of here. Bury it, burn it, break it, I don't care how you do it just get that rose as far away from you as possible," Yoongi avoided my question.

"Who is it from," I demanded.

"Let me know if this tells you anything; Kang."

I gulped.

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