Harder Than I Thought

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I walked down the street to the given address. Jungkook and I had become closer than before and I was now getting comfortable with the whole dating thing.

He had asked me out on a date yesterday and here I am, going on a wild goose chase to find the dang place. Why couldn't he just come and pick me up?

My phone buzzed and I looked at it. Jungkook had finally texted me after about thirty minutes.

Kookie: The building you see on your left is where I am

Me: How do you know where I am if you said we're sitting in the back?

Kookie: I can track your location

Me: Oh...yeah. I'll be there in a second

Kookie: Ok

With that, I walked into the building. The scent of food washed over me and I smiled a little. The smell made me hungry and I walked up to the counter where people wait to be seated, "I'm here with Jeon Jungkook."

The waiter looked up and smiled before leading me to the back, "He has something planned for you. You got lucky with him."

I looked at him, confused. I shrugged as the table came into sight. I sat down at the table and scooted in. Jungkook smiled and put his chin in his palm, "You look nice today."

"Thank you," I smiled and looked around, "This is a nice place."

"I know. That's why I picked here."

"Was it expensive?"

"Yeah but, it's the best place and you deserve the best."

I blushed and looked down. Here recently, Jungkook has found any and every way to make me blush. Why? I'm not sure.

"Oh, and why did you have me walk?"

"Because I wouldn't be able to plan what I have planned if you were here."

I nodded as a tea and water were placed on the table. He pushed the tea toward me and I smiled. 

Even in the few days, we've been together, he seems to know everything about me. It shocked me at how much he knew. And he couldn't have asked someone because I haven't opened up to anyone.

Jungkook's smile faded and I was confused. He was staring right past me and I turned around to see why.

Walking toward us was Taehyung. He wore a black tux, the white shirt underneath had a frilled end. His hair was neatly swept to the left side. He walked calmly over, sticking his hands into his pockets.

"I think you're a bit lost," Jungkook grumbled.

"And I think she's lost," Taehyung replied as he stood behind me.

"What happened to Hwa-Young," Jungkook replied, clearly forcing himself to stay seated.

"She found someone else," he replied.

I sat there, between the two men, awkwardly. I sighed and looked down at the table.

"Y/N, I need to ask you something," Taehyung said turning toward me.

"Ok," I responded.

"Without him around," he added.

I looked at Jungkook and he mouthed 'don't' to me. But, I had no choice. The whole reason I'm here is for Taehyung anyway.

I stood up and so did Jungkook, "Don't."

"I have to," I answered and pushed in my chair.

Jungkook grabbed my hand and I looked back. I met his gaze, seeing the two sides of the world.

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