Explaining and Back in Action

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"Thank you for coming here on such a short notice So-Young," Soo-Jin greeted him as she opened the door.

I stood in the living room as I waited for Soo-Jin and So-Young to enter the room. I was anxious and I didn't know if I'd break down again.

"Soo-Jin tells me that you messed up something that involved our work," So-Young spoke as he entered the living room.

We stood face to face and I straightened up, knowing he'd see me as weak if I didn't stand like him.

"Already standing like me. She really is our dau-"

"Don't say it. I'm already being called Soo-Jin now," She cut in.

So-Young nodded, "Soo-Jin said you'd explain what you messed up."

"Yes. As you know, I've been attending the same school as Taehyung and his friends. Well, I had gotten drunk a few nights ago because I had too much stress resting on my shoulders. I didn't bother anyone and Taehyung was here as well. I thought he had gotten drunk as well but he hadn't. The truth about our 'family' came out and he left. I don't know where to but he's gone."

"Really Y/N? Really? You had one job and it was to get with him and get him to me. What's going to happen when the rest of the gang finds out, hmm?" So-Young spat.

I stood there, forcing myself not to flinch. I met So-Young's gaze, my heart beating out of my chest. 

I felt force applied to my shoulders and soon my back was against the wall. I winced but who wouldn't when your supposed father slams you against the wall?

"So-Young, don't. She's just getting used to this gang stuff. Give her a few more months and things might change," Soo-Jin offered.

So-Young stared at me, his hands digging into my shoulders. Pain exploded through my shoulder-blades as he pressed harder and harder.

I hadn't prepared myself to feel pain spread through my body as the pain started to seep away from the spot he punched my side. It hurt and my knee's felt weak.

So-Young backed away and I slipped down the wall, curling up into a ball.

"Pathetic," So-Young hissed before pushing past Soo-Jin.

What hurts the most was seeing Soo-Jin walk away without asking if I was ok or if I needed anything.

I laid there, watching night slowly darken and my vision slowly fade as I drifted into a deep sleep.

I woke up on the floor and stood up. The pain was gone and I sighed in relief. My phone buzzed and I looked at it. 

Seeing Taehyung had texted me made me extremely happy.

Taehyung: Hey, ready to go out tonight?

Me: Yep! Can't wait to see you^^

Taehyung: You're being quite friendly. I like it^^

Me: Well good because I need to be more friendly

I put away my phone and rushed upstairs. I changed into black, high-waisted shorts and a black and white striped crop-top. I grabbed a black jacket and slipped on black converse.

I walked downstairs and went to the door, not even realizing Soo-Jin was nowhere to be seen. I walked out the door and saw Taehyung.

I walked up to him and his hand slipped into mine. I didn't even realize it until we got to the place where we were going.

We walked along the Han River shore, hand in hand. I enjoyed this and didn't want this to end. But, Taehyung stopped and looked at me.

"Y/N, wake up."


"Wake up."

"Y/N, wake up!"

Soo-Jin's voice filled my ears as I opened my eyes.

"Why are you crying?!"


I sat up, feeling the tears roll a bit more. I was actually crying. I didn't know why but then it hit me.

I had dreamed about Taehyung. I had cried a lot when I read the letter he wrote. I wiped my eyes and left Soo-Jin's side.

I rushed up to my room and locked the door. I looked at my phone, rereading the last text he had sent me.

Taehyung: I'm at the coastline. Hope life is good

I sat down on my bed, guilt flooding through me. I made him leave for 'agreeing' and going through with what my father had planned.

I sighed and texted him once again.

Me: Taehyung please answer. I didn't mean to do this. Now even Jungkook and Jimin are gone

Taehyung: I'm answering this one time because Jungkook and Jimin are with me

Me: Taehyung don't disappear again

I got no response and I groaned. I needed to talk to Namjoon about this since he'd know what to do. But, I can't right now.

All three Kims go under the same gang and if So-Young found out about me knowing a connection with the gang, he'd do anything to hurt them.

I laid back on my bed, hoping and praying all of this was just some sort of dream.

So-Young's POV

I slammed my fist down onto the desk, "Y/N is useless to us! She let Taehyung go and I know she knows something else."

"Sir, please calm down. You have a client coming in ten minutes," Jun-Hee softly spoke.

"Jun-Hee, shut. Up. Y/N failed us and now Taehyung's father might know about our plan," I retorted as she tried to calm me down.

"I never should've trusted her...She fails at everything. Even at birth, she had problems," I continued.

Jun-Hee nodded, "Do you want me to cancel your appointment," she asked.

"Please," I muttered and forced myself to sit down.

She nodded and left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I took some random glass thing on my desk and chucked it at the wall.

A few of the other gang members walked in and I looked at them.

"Listen to me and listen to me carefully. Find all the Kims and anyone that has something to do with the Kims, bring them to me and make sure they don't know where we're located. Okay?"

They all nodded and left.

I looked out the window behind me, watching cars leave. A grin turned the corners of my lips up. A small chuckle escaped my mouth.

"Oh Kim Taehyung, this is what you get for running. Not only did you put yourself in a bad situation, but you put a whole lot of other people in danger."

The words left my mouth as if they needed to be said.


After a moment of waiting, the petite female entered the room again, "Yes sir?"

"Get everyone ready. Have them check Y/N's phone and try tracking where Taehyung is from there. When they find out, someone's getting a visit from us."

I could see Jun-Hee tense up before she spoke, "Yes sir. I'll get right to it."

The smirk grew bigger as I looked out the window.

"You're never going to be safe Taehyung...never."

Authors Note

You get some inside on what So-Young is like

He isn't as nice as you thought he might've been
To be honest, I don't think the word 'Kind' is even implanted in his mind

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