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"He went back to your father."

"He did what!"

Namjoon had pulled over and both Yoongi and Namjoon were looking at me. Why did he go back? Was it me?

"He went back to your father. He went back to his father. But, since he isn't here, I need to tell you something," Namjoon began.

I couldn't process what was happening. I remembered my father being a horrible person along with his father because of the dreams I've had. So why did he go back? What did I do to make him leave?


Namjoon's voice lulled me out of my thoughts and I turned my hurt gaze toward him, "What?"

"Taehyung wasn't actually your boyfriend. I'm not actually your brother..."

Everything. Everything finally made sense now. Who that girl was that came in. Why Namjoon and I have no similarities whatsoever. It all aligned now. It made sense. I understood but I couldn't understand why.


The word used to hold so little meaning. Simply used when one didn't know the purpose or cause of what they were doing. But it seemed to hold so much more meaning. It held a kind of dreading feeling. Almost like I didn't want to know. But I already asked and I can't change the past.

"Taehyung was always fond of you; since you were a toddler even. Seeing you now he felt overjoyed. He knew who you were on the first day of school for you. All of us did. We just didn't know your purpose or why you suddenly appeared. Jungkook dated you for a short time, right?"

I nodded, trying to make sense of Yoongi's words.

"Taehyung asked him to. Jungkook went along with it because Taehyung wanted to get over you. He thought seeing you with one of his best friends would make it better but it made it worse. That's why things ended so quickly. He had told all of us he needed you and it was an unhealthy need. Seeing you get hit has left a permanent mark in his mind and made him think it was his job to protect you. So he went to protect you of his father and your own father."

I felt like breaking. A lie was so perfectly clear but at the same time cloudier than a rainy day. How could I have been so blind and oblivious? This was my fault. I caused him to leave. I didn't realize my eyes watering until a tear slipped out of my eyes. Namjoon wiped it away quickly like he was my actual brother.

I don't know what to believe. How can I love when I've been lied to? It's like you have to glasses in front of you, placed so close to each other they touched. In one glass held a sweet tasting drink but looked dark and gave off a bitter smell. In the other glass lay a pale liquid that looked and smelled sweet. Your choice? The pale liquid. Why? Because it looks better and smells better. But you're greeted with a mouthful of bitterness and it all hits you at one moment. Looks are deceiving. I took the pale liquid...I was selfish.

Choosing a glass is choosing a personality. You pick the dark, bitter smelling one, you show optimism, confidence, selflessness, and good-willed. The good twin. You pick the pale, sweet smelling one, you show weakness, easily manipulated, greedy, and selfish. Who knew picking a glass could say so much about you? Why did I pick the pale liquid? I broke down crying, my sobs filling the still air.

I ignored Namjoon as he placed his hand on my hunched over back and rubbed circles in a comforting motion.

This was the best.

Speaking to comfort someone often makes it worse and pointless to even be there. Silence brings a sort of comfort words can't. It allows you to hear yourself think and hear everything you blocked out before. It allows you to see the damage you or someone else has made. It gives you a sense of reality. A fresh wave of it so you don't get swept away in the current called your imagination.

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