Secret Spilled and Relationship Ended

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Secrets are secrets for reason. They are things that we can't let go of but want to forget. I wish I could forget the deal but I can't.

He seems like a nice guy but what do you know, I have to hurt him.

I sat at the desk in my room, staring down at the letter in front of me. On it had small, neat handwriting. My name lay upon those neat pen markings.

I didn't want to open it. Believe it or not, the seemingly flawless handwriting belonged to my dad. The man I despised the most.

But, curiosity pulled at my fingertips and led them to the very top of the letter. The paper felt smooth but there was small roughness. 

I gulped as I turned it over, revealing the dull triangle that kept the letter from me. Did I really want to find out what was in here or did I just want to open it?

I slowly opened the letter, the paper tearing as I pulled at it. My curiosity built up more and more as I began to see the folded blank paper.

I pulled out the paper and unfolded it. It was a very pale tan, almost white. Roses decorated the corners of the paper, the printed stems twinning up the sides and across the top and bottom.

I stared in awe at the paper. I haven't seen this paper in years. My father is basically missing in action but, I'm used to it. I haven't seen him in sixteen years other than a few days ago.

Blinking, I shook my head. I need to read, not admire the written letter directed toward me.

My Dearest Daughter,

You only fully met me five days ago but, I need to ask a few things of you. Your mother has told me Taehyung has caught onto some of your habits. If this is true then you have partly failed me. If he ever finds out that you've lied about this whole thing, I'm a dead man.

I can't stand the thought of leaving you alone with your mother. I know she isn't the greatest but, she's all you have. Unless you want to come work for the business. But, you're only seventeen and that's younger than I was when I joined.

But, I do expect you to join the business at some point. No matter what, our name will leave a mark on this world. Your mother signed a contract when she first told me we were pregnant. It stated that she was ok with putting you into this. In fact, she wanted this.

You have ten months to complete the task. If you don't, you will be forced to join now and the task you will be given you won't like. So, get to work. And remember, don't fall in love.

                                                                                                                             ~ Your dearest Father

Reading that made my heart stop for a moment. My own mother put me into this gang when I couldn't even object. Not to mention I only had ten months to do this.

My heart began racing and a knot formed in my stomach.

 I felt sick.

My mother must hate me. She honestly just wants money. I stood up and pushed everything off my desk. The picture frame that held the only picture of my brother. He left when he was eighteen, being able to escape this death hole I've been placed in.

My mother rushed in and looked at the mess on the floor and then at me, "What happened?"

"I hate you. I hate you so much. You put me into this. You wanted money. You wanted to be rich. You. Never. Wanted. Me. You signed me away like I'm a slave. I'm not just something you push around! I have a fricking life too you know! You are so fricking selfish that it's disgusting. You are disgusting. I'm ashamed to call you my mother. In fact, I don't want to call you my mother. Soo-Jin is the name you will go by and always should."

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