Reality Check

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I opened my eyes and bright light filtered through the window, causing me to groan and roll over. I was met with a bare chest and panicked. I looked up and saw Jungkook and sat up straight. I was relieved when I felt the soft fabric of my shirt roll down my stomach again.

I sighed and got up, a sickening feeling making my stomach churn. I stood up quickly and rushed into the bathroom, kneeling over the toilet bowl. Nothing happened. Everything was silent. I heard birds chirping outside but the house was still. I was relieved when I didn't throw up my insides. I stood up but went right back down, no longer relieved. 

After heaving out anything that remained in my stomach, I sat there. On the bathroom floor. I didn't want to move. More or less I couldn't move. I felt peaceful though. No worries or complaints. Just the peaceful sounds of birds chirping. I stood up after a while and walked back to the bed, laying down and falling asleep.

Before falling completely asleep, I felt arms wrap around me. They were strong but the grip was gentle. I opened my eyes and glanced back, seeing Jungkook. I panicked and sat straight up.

Opening my eyes, I found myself actually sitting up but Jungkook was rolled over, facing the other direction. I was happy but the feeling faded almost instantly as the sickening feeling, familiar from the dream, returned. This is the first time it has ever happened but I already hated it.

I stood up quickly, ignoring my leg and side calling me to lay back down, feeling the bed shift as Jungkook rolled over, "Y/N?"

I didn't answer him as I aggressively pushed open the bathroom door and knelt down in front of the toilet bowl. This time, unlike my dream, I hurled up anything I had eaten in the past twenty-four hours. I felt horrible and sat there, hovering over the toilet.

"Y/N? You ok?"

Jungkook's voice sounded from the doorway and I shook my head, that is the only thing I felt like I could do.

"Did you eat something you shouldn't have last night," he asked as he walked over and sat on the floor next to me.

"Not that I can remember...The only thing I remember eating was that stupid hospital food at breakfast, sleeping the rest of the day until 11:45 pm and then unevenly running out of the hospital, making my grand escape from that stupid place," I explained.

Jungkook nodded and we fell silent. I glanced at him, wondering if he was thinking the same thing that I was.

"What," he finally asked, looking at me, catching me glancing at him.

"Will you tell Taehyung," I asked, looking up completely, my face still pale.

"No. Not as long as you don't tell him. We only slept next to each other because we couldn't sleep without knowing Taehyung was fine," Jungkook answered.

I sighed in relief before standing up, wincing from the pressure put on my foot. I used the wall as support as I made my way out of the bathroom. I went back into my room and sat down, lifting the side of my shirt to see how bad my side really was.

Looking at it, I saw some blood had leaked through the hospital bandaging and the bandages Jin had put on the night before. I groaned and dropped the shirt and just sat there, looking out at the clear sky in front of me. 

As much as I hated Taehyung having lied to me, I still cared about him. He was more than likely my first 'love' even if it was fake. Waking up from being out for god knows how long, I felt like I really did love him. They say you never forget your first love. I guess they aren't wrong. I can't seem to get how gentle he was with me out of my mind.

Falling asleep after a while, boredom pricking my mind.

I opened my eyes to light shining down on my face. I quickly shut my eyes and rolled over before falling off the bed. I quickly stood up and looked around. I was still in the room I fell asleep in. That was a relief. I began walking out of the room, looking at the silent house. Everything seemed out of place. 

I walked around the place, checking to see if anything was missing or t least moved to where it shouldn't be. Nothing seemed out of place or missing. In fact, everything was placed neatly and almost looked like it was placed with such certainty it was weird.


My voice echoed throughout the place as I walked downstairs. No one said anything. Not a sound filled the air. Not even the sounds of my feet hitting the floor where I lightly stepped. I became concerned as no reply came.


My voice rang out again yet no reply. I began searching frantically around the house to see if anything had happened. When I reached Yoongi's room, everything just fell apart. I saw six bodies laying together with a small note on top with the words 'This is what happens when you don't listen.'

Tears flooded my eyes and I realized what I had done wrong. So-Young had asked for me to 'return' him. Not for Taehyung to go back by himself. He wanted me back so he could have me as his own little helper or whatever. This is all my fault. If I had just done what So-Young had asked in the first place, none of them would be dead.

I fell to my knees and cried my heart out. All I heard were sobs of my own and I could only feel my body shudder with every sob. it was honestly pathetic but I couldn't help myself.

Fear struck my soul as I heard the sound of a gun loading and turned around slowly, spotting the familiar figure of So-Young. The black, shiny, smooth, and slightly heavy piece of metal rested in his hands, pointed at me.

All I managed to get out was, "Taehyung, why'd you go?"

"I didn't go anywhere."

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