Memory Changes Everything

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Panic instantly filled my chest and I pushed him away. He just kissed me in front of almost everyone without asking. It's like he and Yoongi didn't feel the need to ask.

I quickly unwrapped Jimins' arms from around me and rushed back upstairs, my feet pounding against the dark, gray-brown wood stairs.

I pushed open the door to my room and slammed it shut, throwing my back up against the hard surface. I slid down the door until I was sitting on the floor with my knees tucked up to my chin.

I didn't know what I was doing at this point. Had I led them on? Was I just that stupid?

I wanted to scream but I couldn't when I was in a house with seven men, at least one of them wanting me gone.

I stood up and slipped on shoes again, pulling on a hoodie, and putting the hood up. I walked out and rushed back down the stairs, pushing past Taehyung once again.

But, this time, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back, "Let go. I can't be here right now."

I yanked my hand away and walked out the doors, my eyes burning for some reason. I wasn't crying, I knew that for a fact. They felt dry like I needed to cry or something.

I sighed and began walking down the streets, ignoring the people who yelled when I bumped into them. I was blindly following an invisible line that led to an unknown destination.


A deep voice sounded next to me and I somewhat knew it. I turned my head to see a tall-ish man with dirty blonde hair color and deep, dark brown eyes. His hair was swept, looking slightly curled, to one side and he looked puzzled.

Lee Felix. I was introduced to him two months after Taehyung left along with a couple of his gang members. I didn't say anything but continued walking, my head being kept down. 

I was swept away in the crowd, not exactly paying attention to where I was going. I was about to cross the street when someone arm-barred me. I looked at her, glaring slightly before continuing to walk. 

I heard honking as a car skidded to a stop but I was unphased. I just continued walking with my head down.

"Y/N Zhang?"

When someone said my last name, my head shot up. I looked around until I was yanked into an alleyway.

I turned and saw a tall figure before being punched in the jaw and passing out.

When I opened my eyes, a bright light was placed over me while the dark gray walls of the room remain dimly lit.

I sat up, my jaw stinging. I spotted a pair of eyes staring over at me from the far right corner of the room.

"You're awake. I know you work with the Ghost Tear and Silent Deaths gangs. I know your father isn't the greatest and I realized Ghost Tear isn't using you to your full potential. I know you don't remember what happened to you as a kid but I can help you restore those memories if you'd let me," a females voice sounded from the corner.

I didn't hesitate in agreeing, Namjoons' words sticking in the back of my mind. She stepped out of the shadowed corner, smiling.

"Alright, close your eyes and began thinking of that white room," she instructed as a man entered the room.

I did as told and almost instantly I felt like I was being suffocated. The room felt small like I wasn't allowed to breath.

Soon the man started talking and little by little, I began remembering.

"Y/N! Come on! There's a river down here where we can swim!"

The young voice of Taehyung filled my head as I followed him down to the river, running alongside him.

I got to the river bank and stepped in, the ice-cold water chilling my feet. The rocks, smooth and slimy, made me slip a couple of times.

Taehyung splashed me with water and I did the same thing back. We had a little water fight, smiling from ear to ear.

A light breeze brushed over the grass as we played without a care in the world.

I began running downstream, avoiding stones the best I could. I tripped over a stone and hit my head on a rock. I heard a high-pitched yell and felt icy droplets splash my back.

Arms folded around me and tugged me toward the shore. I felt stronger arms pick me up and run inside. 

I heard the familiar voice of So-Young but he generally sounded concerned. 

I opened my eyes to be in my own room, the vibrant blue walls lined with white seeming to make the room brighter.

I stood up and rushed downstairs, seeing Soo-Jin and So-Young.

"She's going to lead the gang one day."

"But she could want something else."

"I'll pay your bills to make sure she leads the gang after the divorce is filed through."

"But she's.....Taehyung.........Marry...........Kims."

Every word said in between was blocked out. I felt my eyes swell with tears and I ran out.

The streets were familiar; like the ones from my nightmares. I heard the consistent yelling before feeling the grip on my hand.

My eyes flew open and I lurched forward. I was sweating and my heart was beating out of my chest.

"I have a question for you," the female asked.

I looked at her, panic and shock to fresh for me to speak.

"Do you want to get back at So-Young and Taehyungs father?"

"I have no reason to get back at Taehyungs father though."

"I used to work for him. I knew what he did when Taehyung wasn't around and you were passed out because I was always there."

"What did he do?"

"He did what no human ever dreams of sweetie. You aren't a virgin you know," she whispered.

Hurt, horror, and shame flooded over me. I looked around, using my hands to keep me up.

"So, do you want to get back at them?"

"He...but...Taehyung. Does it involve Taehyung?"

"Just trust me and I promise you that you will be satisfied."

Feeling angered, I nodded. I knew what I was agreeing to but tell me you wouldn't do the same? A feeling of loss and shame dug a hole into my brain and I couldn't think straight.

This is what Namjoon meant. Wait, did he know? If he did then we're going to have issues. But I now understand why So-Young wanted Taehyung. I was hurt in a way that couldn't be fixed. So So-Young wanted revenge for stealing what's most precious to a girl.

But what kills me is Taehyung doesn't know. He doesn't know a thing. It's like his father never told him just so he could brag during gang meetings at how innocent his son was. 

Was that why Soo-Jin and So-Young got a divorce?

Authors Note

I plan on doing a Q&A sometime so I need questions. It can be about anything. It can be about me, Kpop groups, the book, or even questions for the characters in the book.

Have a great day and remember, when you think no one loves or cares for you, I'm still alive so you still have me.

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