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Shock washed over me like a wave and I panicked. I took a step back and pulled away, slapping my hand over my mouth, my eyes seeming like pin pong balls as I looked at him.

He stared back at me, no regret visible in his gaze.

"Why," I breathed as I stared at him.

"Because you care. You're the first person to ever confront me about my eyes being glazed over. Do you realize how much that means to me," he asked.

" could you?"

A familiar, deep, beautiful voice sounded beside Yoongi and I. We both snapped our gaze over and standing in the doorway was Taehyung.

I didn't say anything but I quickly left Yoongi and ran over to Taehyung. My arms wrapped around him almost involuntarily. I felt his protective grip tighten around me as I buried my face into his chest.

"Taehyung, it wasn't what it looked like," Yoongi quickly spoke as he walked up to Taehyung.

"But you kissed her...why," the question slipped from Taehyungs' lips as his gaze bore into Yoongis', a fire blazing behind the hurt pools of brown that made his eyes so intricate.

"You wouldn't understand. She's the first person to question why my eyes were glazed over. She was generally concerned and it made me feel needed. Everyone deserves to feel needed," He explained.

Listening to the calm but heated conversation between the two made me realize just how close the two were.

Yoongi had told me how close they were but now I understood. They could be in the midst of a gunfight and the two would talk to each other as if they were just sitting there. They could have a gun to each other's head but never once would they yell.

"I was coming. I got the wilted, white rose as well. I would've been here to make her feel needed. I just have one more question; do you regret it?"

This is what seemed like the question of a lifetime. Yoongi's answer may break their friendship or it may make Taehyung know he could trust Yoongi around me.

"I uhm...I don't regret it nor am I proud of it. Just know it won't happen again," He answered, side glancing me as if to keep my mouth shut about what happened between us before.

Taehyung nodded and hugged me tighter, "Come over here."

Yoongi smiled and somewhat fell into Taehyung, Taehyung having wrapped one of his arms around him instantly.

"I'm glad to be back," Taehyung whispered. "Just don't tell my father, please. I can't have him know where I'm at right now."

Yoongi sighed but agreed and stepped back, "I'll let you two catch up a little bit."

He walked out of the room even though this was technically his room. I looked up at Taehyung, not letting go of him for a second, "I thought that you didn't want to come back?"

He gave a small sigh and led me over to the bed and sat down. I now kept my hands in my lap as I looked at him.

"I knew I had to come back at some point but I didn't think it would be this soon. I was planning on getting you by yourself and then coming up here to say hi and talk for a while. But it seems like you're with these guys twenty-four seven. Getting the wilted rose made me panic because this is the first time the rose was sent directly to me. Jungkook and Jimin didn't even wait for me to say anything before they started adding the numbers in which the letters correspond with. I had guessed that Namjoon or Jin had received one but to find out it was you who got one scared me even more. I came here because I wanted to make sure you were alright at all times," he explained, turning toward me.

"What do the roses mean? I've been told there's red, pink, and white. Depending on if they're wilted it has a different meaning but I don't understand why they can't just send letters or something," I questioned.

"Each gang has it's own ways of sending messages to other gangs. When all the gangs were being established and how many would be put into each city. The Kang family took roses as a way of sending messages along with a word on the box of each rose. When you add up the numbers corresponding with the letters in the word on the box, it gives you a number. Depending on the number depends on which house you'd go to. They have sixty houses throughout the country. Most are small other than the major points like Daejeon, Seoul, and Busan. Fifty-eight is here in Daejeon, eight is in Seoul, and sixty is in Busan. We, however, have themed envelopes with a number inside ranging from one to ten. We have ten locations, two in Seoul, two in Daegu, two in Incheon, two in Jinju, and two in Gwangju. The Pikes use small rocks with their name on it and what they need on the back of it. That's all I know of so please don't ask about it," He explained more.

"Alright, thank you for explaining. But I think it's time to give Yoongi back his room," I stood up and felt Taehyungs' hand lock with mine. I didn't say anything as his hand covered mine. 

He stood up and followed me out, giving a small smile to Yoongi as we passed.

"I'm going to say hi to Jimin and Jungkook before I go back to my room," I informed Taehyung before going into the living room.

There I saw five figures, tense and deep in conversation.

"They want her because she belongs to So-Young," Namjoon spat bitterly.

"No, they want her because if they have her, they have ways to get us to do what they want," Jungkook argued.

"Who cares why they want her! It's the fact that they want her, not the reason. She has something they want and it'll probably be useful to us," Jin shushed everyone as he raised his voice.

"So we're using her," Jimin retorted.

"I didn't-"

"But you did, Jin! You said it would probably be useful to us. Is that why we won't give her up? If she had nothing we could possibly want would we just hand her over to the Kangs as if she was some piece of paper with a contract on it," Jimin cut Jin off, shooting invisble daggers at him.

"What are you guys talking about," my voice sounded hollow and confusion as they all turned their gaze toward me, the air becoming more tense by the second.

"We weren't talking about anything," Namjoon cleared his throat and stood up.

"Liar. I heard everything you guys just said. Jimin seems to be to only one who doesn't want me to leave. Jin seems like he really does want me to go. Namjoon and Jungkook didn't even argue with what Jin said. Is that truly why I'm here? Just because I may have something you guys want," as I spoke, my tone became bitter. My eyes seemed to have fire lighting them up while my gaze bore into each one of the four men.

Jimin walked over to me and hugged me, no one saying a word. I involuntarily hugged back, knowing I shouldn't be rude to him.

"Y/N, do you really want to know why the Kang family sent you that rose," Namjoon's voice was stern.

"Why wouldn't I," I retorted. I felt Jimin tense up and tighten his grip as if he knew this would hurt me.

"They want you because they know how to restore your memory and they'll use it for their advantage in ways we couldn't possibly imagine," Namjoon explained.

"What-" I stopped when Taehyung hugged me, turned my head to face him, and kissed me as if this was something he did often.

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