Leave Me

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I began walking back to the house after being given certain directions. 

1. Keep Taehyung away from Seoul

2. Let Namjoon and Jin know that you know

3. Never tell Taehyung what happened

Seemed easy enough. I just couldn't drink when he was around. I sighed, shivering a bit as the cold winds wrapped around my body. I hadn't realized how cold it was earlier due to bodies surrounding me but now that the streets were empty, everything seemed cold.

I sighed in relief as the house came into view. I picked up the pace and swung open the door. I was still shivering but the warmth of inside the house greeted me like an old friend.

I heard shifting and soon Namjoon and Jin appeared in front of me, "Where were you?"

"It doesn't matter but I need to talk to you two in private. It's important and no one else can know about it so don't even think about telling anyone. Especially Taehyung," I answered before pulling them into the kitchen and shutting the door.

The two males looked at me, puzzled. I sighed and turned around abruptly, causing them to almost run into me, "You know that memory thing you guys were talking about? Well, I know what it was. As far as I know, Taehyung doesn't know and it's going to stay that way. We need to keep Taehyung away from Seoul no matter what. If his father comes here, we move. If my So-Young comes here, we move. We can't let our parents get near him due to what they might do. Deal?"

"How did you find out," Namjoon asked quickly.

"That. Doesn't. Matter. What matters is that Taehyung doesn't find out about this," I replied before sighing.

Jin nodded before hugging me, "Sorry you had to find out this way."

"One way or another, I would've found out at some point," I hugged him for a second before stepping back. "Where's Taehyung?"

"He's waiting in your room," Namjoon answered.

"Creepy but thanks," I walked out of the kitchen and rushed upstairs. I opened the door to find him sitting there, a single hand laced through his hair.

Having heard the door open, Taehyung stood up and held his hands behind his back, "Sorry for earlier. I shouldn't have done that. I'm no better than Yoongi-Hyung."

"Don't worry but can we not go back to Seoul after," I asked.

"Why not?"

"I just...I don't want to go back to Soo-Jin."

"You can stay with us then."

"I can't."


"Because I can't. Soo-Jin already hates you guys."

Taehyung sighed, giving up in arguing. He hugged me tightly, resting his chin on my head. I hugged back, my head resting in the crook of his neck, "I gotta go to sleep. I feel drained and cold."

He pulled back and looked at me, "I can stay here until you fall asleep."

"I won't make you," I replied before getting into my bags and pulling out an over-sized hoodie and gray sweat pants. Taehyung turned around without being told and I quickly changed.

"Ok," I said before sitting down on the bed and pulling the covers over myself. 

Taehyung took off his shirt before turning around. I quickly covered my face, "Uhm, Tae."

"What," he sat down on the other side of me before wrapping his arms around me.

He was warm and I held my breath, "You do realize I'm not apart of your gang and haven't seen you without a shirt on, right?"

"I am fully aware but I've seen you in my shirt with the shirt not coming down far enough for my liking. So you're going to deal with me not having a shirt on," he whispered.

I sighed but closed my eyes, curling up as I normally did. I couldn't sleep even though I felt mentally and physically drained.

I felt Taehyungs' breath slow, indicating he was asleep. I sighed and slipped out of his arms, making sure not to wake him.

I walked out of the room, uncertain about what I was doing. I walked downstairs and sat down on the couch. I laid down after a while, staring at the ceiling.

Sleep finally came at around one in the morning. 

I sat in a black room with white furniture except for the wooden chair I was tied to. Everything was still. Nothing moved. Nothing breathed.

The door opened and eight men walked in.








The eighth man I didn't know. I tried speaking but nothing came out.

The room was suddenly a metal cell and I began panicking.

They all sat down in wooden chairs, blank expressions on their faces.

The eighth man stood in front of the chairs but I couldn't see him due to sitting directly in front of them.

The man pulled out a gun and I began yelling at them, telling them to run but they didn't move.

"Y/N," Jin said before being shot.

"Y/N," Yoongi said before being shot.

"Y/N," Hoseok said before being shot.

"Y/N," Namjoon said before being shot.

"Y/N," Jimin said before being shot.

"Y/N," Taehyung said before being shot.

"Y/N," Jungkook said before being shot.

I screamed as tears rolled down my face.



I lurched forward, my heart beating out of my chest, beads of sweat rolling down my face, and tears staining my cheeks.

"Y/N, what happened," Taehyungs' voice sounded shaky as if he had caused this.

I didn't say anything but threw my arms around him, pulling the other males into the hug. I could tell they were confused yet they still hugged me. I didn't want to be the reason that happened.

"I need to leave," I whispered before letting go of them.


"I need to get away from you guys. I can't let that dream come true," I whispered before standing up.

"Y/N, what are you talking about," Namjoon asked.

"No...Just let me go and don't try and make me explain," I replied.

I began walking upstairs and began grabbing my things as quickly as I could. I walked back downstairs and pushed past all of them.

I opened the door and walked out, Taehyung following.


He turned me around and made eye contact with me, his gaze worried and hurt.

"I'm sorry," I said before turning around. I didn't want him to stop me again because then I knew I wouldn't be able to leave. I ran out into the streets without looking and before I knew it, I heard the screech of the tires and soon felt nothing.

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