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"I have to go with Taehyung...I'm sorry. I want to be friends for as long as possible so please don't let this ruin that," I quickly added as I wiped my eyes.

Mark smiled faintly before nodding, "It's alright. I'll still be around if this ever happens again."

I hugged him one last time before walking numbly over to Taehyung. I didn't say anything but instead just hugged him. My motive for choosing him? The hospital and everything before. He was there for me when I needed him. He didn't leave forever and hate me when he found out what I had to do. He stayed. Yes, we've had rough spots but what relationship doesn't?

I felt him wrap his arms around me and took a deep breath. I inhaled his scent once again. I was familiar with it and it was relaxing sometimes, "You have to let me see Mark still.."

"I know. I couldn't stop you anyway. Just please forgive me," Taehyung whispered to me and I nodded. I felt something warm and wet drip onto my shoulder. I looked at Taehyung and saw he was crying.

"No, don't cry," I quickly said even though I still wanted to cry my heart out. But one thing made me happy. I was his and he was mine. Just like it should be.

Author's Note

Sorry it's short. I've updated a lot today and I have one more chapter to do. Ughhhhhh my brain is out of ideas. But the next chapter is the last!!! Yay^^

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