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I sat up almost instantly. I didn't want to dream of that anymore. Escpecially when my mind played tricks on me and made me believe he was there.

I stood up and headed toward the door, wiping the tiredness from my eyes. When I reached the doorway I tried going through but was met by something solid. I lifted my head and saw him. Him. Taehyung. He came back.

I hugged him almost instantly after taking a minute to realize it was him. What hurt was when he didn't hug me back. He just stood there, arms at his sides, and a blank expression.

"Taehyung? Are you ok," I asked, looking up as I slowly removed my arms.

"I'm fine. You're the one with issues," he replied bitterly.

Now that I was looking him in the eyes, he seemed angered and hurt. When the words left his lips, I seemed to break into tiny pieces. I was the one with issues?

"What did I do?"

"You didn't tell me anything. You knew why your father wanted me. You knew what my father did. You knew everything yet you didn't tell me."

"But I didn't think it mattered."

"It didn't matter that you're the one who killed my brother?!"

The words hit me like a wave. I killed his brother? When and how?

"What are you talking about? I never killed anyone."

"I beg to differ. I'll explain it to you how your father explained it to me. You and your father were at a gun range when you were nine. He had plans for you to take over the gang after he died so he wanted you to have such good aim, you wouldn't miss a single shot. You had gone there any times before and were already pretty great with a gun. Now, your father wanted you to have practice with something moving. So he turned you around when he heard rustling in bushes. You shot almost instantly. When your father went to go see what it was, he found my brother with a bullet through his head. Thanks to you, I'm alone."

Hearing this, I came to the sudden realization, I wasn't normal. I was dangerous.

Clearing my throat and blinking away the tears, I continued, "Why was your brother even there?"

"He was there because of me and my father. My father wanted to know just how good you were already were to see if he could get me or my brother better. What he didn't know was my brother planned on going to college and gettin a job as an interior designer. But I had a rquest for him. When I was little, and before my father basically ruined our family relationship, I had liked you. A lot. I wanted to know how you acted when I wasn't around since people act differently around different people. I was also there. I was further back in the tall grass though. I heard a gun shot and froze. I waited until I heard you and your fathers car leave before rushing over to where my brother was. I was met with a cold corpse with blood trickling down his pale face. His eyes were lifeless and dull. I cried and cried until my father got sick of waiting and came to see why we were talking so long. You, Y/N, are a murderer."

Listening to his explanation, my eyes stung and I looked down, "Well, I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Y/N," Taehyung snapped.

I flinched and nodded, "I now it doesn't but you could at least forgive me. It's not like my father came out and told me I had murdered someone. Much less that it was your brother."

He stared at me, eyes colder than ice. I met his gaze even though I didn't want to. What choice did I have? I didn't want to stand here and look like a coward. Especially after what he said.

"Just leave. Get out. I don't want to see you ever again. But the day I do, is the day you'll find out how it feels to have a bullet through your skull."

"Taehyung, what are you talking about," Yoongi's voice sounded behind the taller male. "The day a bullet is put through her skull is the day when we're all dead."

"She killed my brother!"

"I didn't know!"

"How old was she, Taehyung. Just exactly how old was she," Yoongi said through gritted teeth, the hate clear as day in his tone.

"She was nine. Perfectly capable of knowing how dangerous a gun was."

"Who was she with?"


"My point exactly. So-Young is a horrible man. We all know that. If you and your brother were around like you had told me oh so long ago, then someone was bound to get hurt. Just be thankful you aren't dead."

"Plus your father took something from me," I put in. I hated this memory so much that it physically hurt to talk about it.

"Y/N, I know what my father did. I know why your father wants me so much. But does that even compare to murder?"

"Yes, Taehyung. Yes it does. You just pity yourself so much you don't even think about how things affect everyone else. Do you know how much it took for me to not tell you what your father did? I cherished the good time I had with my father and I figured you'd want to keep yours as well. I didn't tell you for your sake."

Taehyung stared at me and clenched his jaw, "Just get out."

I was too mad to even argue. I pushed past and when half way down the hall before stopping. I wanted to do something that would make him mad. He pushed me to the edge so why couldn't I push him to the edge?

I turned around and walked back to Taehyung and Yoongi who stood in silence.

"Come back to beg for forgiveness," Taehyung bitterly asked.

"No, I came back for this," I rolled my eyes before kissing Yoongi and walking away. "Oh and I slept next to Jungkook last night!"

I could tell Yoongi was shocked when I glanced back and saw his dark, yet gentle, eyes widen. Taehyung balled his hands into fists before walking up behind me and grabbing my wrist, stopping me from continuing.

"What were you thinking?!"

"What were you thinking when you came here and accused me of things I didn't do?"

He stared down at me, huffing before rolling his eyes, "You needed to know."

"And so did you," I yanked my hand away and continued walking. Well, more of limping because of my leg and side.

I walled out of the house, slamming the door behind me. I took out my phone and texted my mother to come and get me. This was probably the first time I would ever ask for her to come and get me.

But there was one thing I needed, and wanted, to do. I needed to go back to So-Young and I wanted to learn how to have perfect aim. I want to know how to the best I can.

I want to know how to kill.

Perfectly Fake✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin