Dreams of Kids

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I turned and looked over at the male who was calling my name. I was confused. I didn't know him and I didn't know how he knew me.

I began stepping backward but he continuously called my name. As he got closer, my steps quickened as fear struck my heart.

His dark, chocolate, brown, almost black hair lay, looking placed, over his eyebrows. The sharp jawline seeming to be able to cut through my skin and reach my nerves.

I turned and ran, not being able to take the sight of him. He scared me. The strong-looking figure had loomed over me at one point but I had backed up. Which, put me in the position I was in a minute ago.

My heart pounded in my chest, blocking out any other noise that seemed to be around me. Why hadn't anyone tried to help? The streets were empty but windows were open with light pouring in. 

Tears brimmed my eyes as I heard the quiet and quick footsteps get closer and closer to me.

"Mom! Dad!"

My voice rang out around the still world around me. Pain struck my side as I turned the corner and hit it on the side of the building.

I kept running, knowing he saw me turn the corner. I tripped over a small bump in the formation of the sidewalk.

I hit ground and pain pulsed through my veins as I laid there, unmovingly. I felt hands pull me upward but couldn't fight back.

My small body lay limp in his arms as my eyes slowly rolled to the back of my head as I slowly lost consciousness.

When I woke up, I was in a room and could move freely. There was a bed, a bookshelf, a window, a closet, and a small pile of toys.

I was curious about why he had given these things to me if he kidnapped me?

A figure appeared at the door and I instantly looked up. Panic filled my small body as I locked eyes with him.

"You're up. Are you hungry or thirsty? Do you need anything?"

Shock hit me like a wave. His voice was soft and full of concern. He made no sense to me. He kidnapped me but he's treating me as if I'm royalty.

I shook my head and he nodded, "Come with me then. I need you to meet someone."

I hesitantly walked up to him and he took my hand. My small hand disappeared as he wrapped his hand around mine gently.

He led me into a white room with a single white light shining from the ceiling. There was a white couch on the left side while a clear table sat in the middle of the room.

I squinted as the white room seemed much brighter than it actually was. He guided me over to the couch and let me sit down.

He yelled something that sounded like a name but I couldn't make out what it was. A young kid walked in and he looked at me.

"Daddy, who's she?"

"This is Y/N. She's who you're going to marry when you're older so come and introduce yourself."

Before the kid could say anything, I jumped up. I tried running but slipped and hit my head.

I sat up in my bed, beads of sweat trickling down my face. My heart was beating out of my chest and my mind was whirling.

I couldn't remember anything after that horrible night. After fifteen years, one would think I'd be over it. But, I still have nightmares to this day.

Soo-Jin called me pathetic for still thinking about it. It hurt hearing that but I've gotten used to it. 

The only thing that hurt more was that I can't remember the kids' name or what happened after I fell.

I had to see a therapist for a year to get me to act normal again. But, the dreams never left. The haunt me and that's why I hate being outside alone.

I laid back in my bed, running my hand through my hair.

It had been three weeks, fifteen hours, nineteen minutes, and thirty seconds since Taehyung had left.

I counted every day and watched as the time passed. He hasn't replied to my texts as he had said he would. 

I cried a few times as I missed seeing his, Jimin, and Jungkooks' face. Jimin and Jungkook had left two days before Taehyung had. Now, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok remained.

I looked at the time. Six fifteen in the morning. I sighed and decided to get out of bed now. I had another fifteen minutes before I had to get up so why not just get up now. 

I changed into light blue skinny jeans and a gray shirt, gray being Taehyungs' favorite color. I had worn gray a lot the past three weeks since I had missed Taehyung a lot. I questioned why but came to the conclusion that it was because  I had missed walking to class with him.

I sighed and slipped on red converse before brushing my hair and teeth. I grabbed my phone, jacket, and bag before walking downstairs.

When I got down there, I saw three men dressed in black suits and my parents standing at the bottom of the staircase.

"What's going on?"

"You have a new mission Y/N. Get all Taehyungs' friends that remain at the school. Get them to come with you today and you're done. Ok?"

So-Young's voice was stern and I narrowed my eyes, remembering what had happened the last time I had talked to him.

"Why should I? You hurt me last time and if I fail again, the same thing will happen."

"It will happen quicker if you refuse. I don't want any mistakes, ok?"

I stood there, feeling a bit dizzy. I stumbled a bit before just falling.

"Come on, say, dad."

"No, say mom. Come on Y/N, say, mom."

I stared up at Soo-Jin and So-Young, their young faces hopeful.

I looked from one to the other as they watched me carefully.


So-Youngs face lit up and he encouraged me to say 'Dad.'


The word slipped out so easily and So-Young smiled brightly.


I opened my eyes to see the ceiling. I sat up and looked around, Soo-Jin was hovering of me from the side while So-Young stood on the other side.

I curled up and just sat there, the small scene replaying in my mind. How did I remember that? All my memories as a baby were gone. 

"You were my first word but you won't be my last," I muttered, looking over at So-Young.


"You were my first word. 'Dad' seemed to slip out so easily. You were so happy. But, know that you will never be called 'dad' by me again."

I locked eyes with him and he blinked, "Y-you remember?"

"No. I don't remember. I've had the same nightmare over and over for fifteen years. I just had a flashback to when I said my first word. I don't know how I remember but I do."

"What dream is it?"

"There was a white room and two males. One is a father and one is a kid. I was kidnapped by them but I can't remember anything before that. I don't even know how I remember that. That was when I had lost my memory from when I was three."

So-Youngs' face scrunched up in anger, "Stop dreaming of that. Never think of them again."

"You think I can choose what I dream of? You really think that? Well I can't, I'm sorry. Who are they anyway."

"The kid was Taehyung."

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