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(When you see 🔊 play the music above)

I heard a lot of people rushing to get their guns. Why wait. Why bother. This didn't have to be a blood bath. It could be a simple hand-to-hand combat fight.

I watched Mino looked at me and began walking quickly over to me. He was on Taehyungs side. He went to grab my neck almost immediately. Stupid. I grabbed his arm and twisted it outward before turning around and pulling him over my back. He landed with a thud and a groan. I straddled his chest before punching his face a couple of times, making sure he was down.

I continued doing this, slowly growing tired. But I couldn't stop. I couldn't give in. I had to fight. I  had gotten past a group people before I had to resort to my gun. My hand hurt, I had a busted lip, a bloody nose, a cut above my eye, and small cut under my other eye. I felt drained. I didn't aim for anywhere vital as it was a code. An unspoken gang code. In situations like this, you don't aim for anywhere vital and you don't face any charges. Hit somewhere vital, they have every right to press charges if they survive.

I shot at shoulders, legs, and arms. I had to fight a bit while shooting since everyone seemed to be with Taehyung. Or at least it seems that way. I let my arm drop and was about to let them just go at it when, one by one, they all fell.

I looked over and saw Lucas, Jaemin, and Haechan. I smiled in relief. How many did we have left? I didn't care anymore. I wanted this to be over.

I straightened myself up before turning and stopping. In front of me stood Jimin. He held me at gunpoint but he was shaking. His lip was quivering and he bit his lip, trying to get it to stop.

I put my hands up slowly and looked at him, "Jimin...It doesn't have to be this way. Just put the gun down and we can walk away like this never happened."

"You know I'd be a traitor if I did," he replied as he looked at me. He looked up and pressed his lips into a thin line. He let his head drop while shaking it, also shaking one leg, and looking up again.

"You're better tha-"

"Don't tell me what I am," he interrupted me, emphasising the word 'don't' to get me to be quiet.

"Jimin, please."

"Y/N, do you realize how much these past nine weeks changed everything? Taehyung lost it. He pushed us away for four weeks. He isolated himself so he knew what he wanted. You, Y/N, are what he wants. Please just come back. I want the Taehyung I learned to love back."

"Jimin, I don't know if I can. He accused me of purposely killing his brother. He insulted my father. He ignored all my calls and texts for weeks. You expect-"

"Shut up. Shut up! You know nothing about what he has been through. I deserve to be happy and not have your blood on my conscience. Please just shut up."

"Alright. I will," I nodded.

I watched as a tear slipped from his eye. I wanted to hug and comfort him but I couldn't. I needed to get away from gunpoint but I wasn't sure how. Thinking, I moved quickly. I pushed his hand away and he shot. I heard a yell of agony but ignored it. I took the gun while he was in shock. I tossed it away from him before quickly kicking his stomach. He barreled over and I almost punched him. I almost did it. But I couldn't.

"Jimin, please just walk away," I whispered as I looked at him. He lifted his head to look at me and sighed.

"I really wish I could've avoided this," he whispered before standing up straight, holding his stomach as he walked away.

"Y/N..." Marks voice rang out around the silenced room. It was shaky and it made me nervous.

I turned and looked at him. He was pointing to the ground and I slowly lowered my gaze. Pain struck my chest as I rushed over to So-Youngs body. I slid onto my knees as I leaned over him.

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