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Your POV
I went to my room and i decided to bring Renjun with me, so i could tell him what happened with me and Baekhyun. "You broke up with him, didn't you?" Is the first thing he asked. I slowly nodded my head. "Are you sad?" He asked again. "No."
"Are you still friends with him?"
"Then it's okay." He said and he hugged me. "Thank you for listening." I said and i hugged him back.

After talking with Renjun for a while, our mom came into my room to say something. "Can you two get some groceries for me?" She asked and we both nodded. "Be fast, it's already dark!" She said and she gave us the shopping list and some money. "Be safe!" she said and she waved at us. "We will!" I said and she closed the door.

We were walking to the supermarket, while i was looking at the shopping list. "Why did she write the things in Korean?" I asked myself. I wasn't paying attention, when Renjun stopped me. I looked up to him and he gave me a pink little flyer with the words 'SM entertainment auditions' written on it. We looked at eachother and smirked at eachother. We both thought of the same thing. I nodded slightly, folded up the flyer and i put it inside my pocket. After that, we continued walking to the supermarket.

"Injunnie~ what's this?" I asked while pointing to a beverage written on the shopping list. "Eggs." He said and he walked to the egg section, so i walked with him. I'm not that good at Korean yet, but Renjun is. So i always ask him what a word means. When we finished shopping the groceries, we headed home.

I rang the doorbell to our house, and after a couple of seconds, the door opened. "Helloo~!" I said with an smile. "Hi~!" Our mom said with the same smile. "Thank you two for doing the groceries!" She said happily and she took the bags to the kitchen. Renjun and I looked at eachother again, and we went to my room.

In my room, i grabbed the flyer that was in my pocket, and we both looked at it. "The SM building is pretty close to where we live." Renjun said while he pointed to the adress that was written on the flyer. "They are looking for male and female trainees." I said and Renjun nodded. "Let's do it then." Renjun said. "We need to ask mom first." I said and Renjun sighed. "Let's ask her now!" He said and he ran downstairs. So i ran after him, while laughing.

Downstairs, i saw mom eating a bag of chips. "Hi momm~!" Renjun and I said in unison. "Oh no, what do you guys want?" She asked concerned. "Well..." i started to explain to her what Renjun and i want to do.
"So basically... you two want to become an idol?" Mom asked when i finished my speech. "Yeah!" We both said.

"You can audition if you want. If you pass, congrats. But you need to work on your studies aswell. If you DON'T pass, well to bad for you then." She said calmly and i widened my eyes. "So are we allowed to audition?" Renjun asked desperately and mom nodded. "Yaaaay!" Renjun yelled and i jumped by his sudden action. Then we both laughed and we thanked mom.

After that, we both went to our rooms to tell our friends that we're going to participate in the auditions. i decided to call Felix first. So i changed into something cozy.

 So i changed into something cozy

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And i called him. "Heeey Felix~!" I said happily. "Heeeeeeeey~!" Felix said smiling. "Guess what?"
"I'm auditioning for SM tomorrow!" I said exited and his eyes widened. "Really?!"
He asked and i nodded. "Then you'll be an idol too!" He said happily. "I'm saying you this though: the idol life is hard." He said. "Is Renjun auditioning too?" He asked and i nodded. "Well i need to go now." Felix said. "Why?" I asked confused. "Busy schedule." He said and i nodded. "Okay. I'll let you know if i passed or not." I said happily. "Okay! Bye bye~ good luck~!" He said and he waved at me. I waved back and Felix ended the call.

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