Part 24

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Arabella's POV

"But, that means- only girlfriends wear their boyfriends jackets-" I say rambling on, looking at Harry to see him smirking down at me, slightly nodding. 

"Belle I wanted to ask you if you'd be my girlfriend?" He asks still smirking down at me, while I blush and nod, standing on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

"I just - oh no, I did not just do that." I say quietly to myself, my eyes widening at my stupidity.

"What's wrong?" Harry asks me, looking down at me with concern embedded into his eyes.

"Umm." I say looking around, spotting who I need to talk to. "Can you give me like two minutes, I'll be back." I say turning back to look into his eyes and he nods.

I run off quickly in order to catch Tom before he walks away. "Tom." I say lightly pulling on his shoulder, getting him to turn around.

"Yep, what's up." He says smiling at me, making me feel a million times worse for what I'm about to do.

"Um I- I'm- um." I stop to take a breath before speaking again. "Is there any chance we can make a raincheck on our bowling plans for tonight?" I ask him.

"And whys that?" He asks me. Well this isn't going to make the situation any better.

"Um Harry kinda invited me to his game tonight and gave me this to wear." I say holding up his sports jacket, causing his eyes to widen.

"That Harry?" Tom says, gesturing behind me, causing me to turn my head to once again see a bunch of girls all leaning over him while he stands at my locker.

I turn back around closing my eyes and letting out a sigh before speaking.

"Yes, that Harry." I say breathlessly, not knowing what to say. "So I said yes, but I didn't realize in the moment and double booked tonight." I say feeling guilty.

"Okay, Whatever. See ya around." He says turning and walking away before I get the chance to say anything else.

Okay well that went terribly. I'll speak to him later.

I turn around and walk back to my locker, but stand a bit behind them  watching the scene as if it was amusing. I cough a bit to make sure they know that I'm here. They whip around to face me.

"Okay Hazzy, I'll see you around?" One girl  says and winks before walking away. Harry stares at me expectantly and a confused expression grows across his face when I start laughing. 

"You find that amusing?" He says tilting his head a bit.

"Yeah, kinda, it helps to know how hard they're trying and don't know you're taken, well not like it'd stop them." I say shrugging and giggling, causing him to smile.

He grabs my hand gently as we walk down the pathway to the science block. I stare down at our interlocked hands and my mind completely wonders off without me.

"Baby, what's got you thinking so hard?" He says, causing me to blush.

Suddenly I get the feeling like I need to apologize for everything so I stop and turn to him, causing him to stop as well and face me.

"Um, so the thing is, I've actually never had a boyfriend before, and I've never walked down the hall way holding someone's hand or worrying about other girls being around my boyfriend and stuff. This is all new to me. I guess what I wanted to say was that I'm sorry for the incident with Chloe earlier." I say looking down.

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