Chapter 29 - His Erasthai

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Life always throws unexpected surprises at you, whether they are good or bad. It seems to be having a jolly old time chucking a whole box of bombshells at me at the moment. Anyway, it has been a week and the dust is finally settling. Not a lot has happened, and the whole pack has been laying on the down low. It has taken some time for them to lick the salt out of their wounds and get over Jacinda's betrayal. Lycan's are familial and proud creatures, and the thought of someone backstabbing them has had each of their Lycan's on edge, hungry for revenge. I have had many questions about my mother, which I have happily answered, but I can tell everyone is still in shock. I haven't let the cat out of the bag that I will turn into a Lycan when mated with one yet... I don't want to make Alex uncomfortable, or him to think I'm using him just to become his mate and queen. Everyone was a bit wary around me for the first few days, but I think they soon realised I'm still the same old Phoebe; just the Goddess they look up to is my mother.

Alex, Lucian and Ana had a meeting with the counsel, consisting of the most powerful Alpha's in the werewolf world, to tell them about Jacinda's deceit. A clean-up crew arrived an hour after the incident, turning the woods back to normal without a trace of the tragedy that played out just hours before. There have been no rogue sightings or any trouble lately, which is all a bit odd and eerie, but Alex speculates that they are regrouping and planning a counter attack, as they suffered heavy losses. The situation is being investigated, as well as Jacinda's family in case they were involved. There is also going to be a big crackdown on the black market, making sure that unauthorised weapons are not getting into the wrong hands, such as hunters and rogues. I wasn't invited into the meeting, but Alex told me about everything afterwards, when I was curled into his chest. He has been telling me a lot of things lately, pouring his heart out to me about his childhood, his fears and dreams. With each story, I can feel myself falling deeper and deeper for him. I can tell how upset he is that he didn't sense Jacinda's betrayal, and holds himself accountable for the injuries everyone got that night. I have done my best to console him, but the only time he seems at peace is when his nose is pressed into my neck, inhaling my scent.

Whatever I'm feeling for Alex is definitely getting worse. He brings the worst out of me in the best way possible. He has allowed me to go back to school, but only on the basis that he is to stick to my side every freaking minute of the day. Seriously, if I even take a step away from him without letting him know, he turns into a major dickward, coming at me with fire spitting out of his ears, trying to look menacing, but to me it just makes him look even hotter. There's just something about moody boys. And in class, he sits there, simply staring at me, with a lock of hair dangling in front of his eyes in which I have the insatiable urge to swipe out of the way. All the hairs at the back of my neck stand on edge with his heavy gaze on me, sending tingles of excitement down my spine, annoyingly distracting me from the teacher.

My exams are starting in a couple of weeks, and I am majorly stressed, but surprisingly Alex has been there to calm my last two brain cells at 2 am when they cannot grasp the concept of Quantum Physics. There has definitely been a shift in the relationship between Alex and me. I feel as though our very souls are tangled at this point. He is so in tune to my emotions, knowing what I need without having to ask me, that it is impossible for me not to fall deeper for him everyday. He is even sleeping outside my door every night, to reinforce his vow of protecting me. I asked him if he wanted to sleep in my room, but he refused saying he wouldn't be able to control himself. I got wet at the very thought. Of course, I want to take every step with Alex, but he is right about waiting. Relationships based on sex almost never work. Alex never stops teasing me though, pulling me in for intense secret make out sessions, then torturing the both of us when he pulls away. I have never thought myself to be needy before, but with Alex involved I want him all the time and it is literally painful when he's not with me. I'm blaming his stupid kisses, muddling with my brain making me thinking I need them to survive. The scary thing is I feel ready to devote my all to him, but I'm not sure if he feels the same way. He certainly hasn't been with any other female these past months, but that doesn't mean that he wants me to be his mate.

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