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Darkness surrounds the lone dancer on stage. Her breath in short, silent pants.

 A single bright spotlight slices through the darkness. Her face barely hidden in the shadow.

Electric blue eyes peer out at the audience. Her lips part for a mere second before music bursts through the theater.

The dancer unfreezes and gracefully lifts her left leg into the air. She lifts into the air for a second and gracefully lands on her left pointe, her right leg now elevated. The dancer uses her left hand to balance out her body while gliding her body under her arm, remaining on a single leg, rotating in one spot. She swings her right leg around herself and lifts back up onto her pointe, her long red skirt twirls around her and softly glides down her lifted leg.

If one were to describe the scene with a single word it would be 'Magnificent'. 

The dancer lifts into the air with a graceful jump. After landing she glides halfway across the stage, abruptly stops and twirls again. She lightly runs a few steps then elegantly jumps and glides through the air, her skirt fanning out around her.  

She dances her heart out gliding and twirling with graceful leaps through the air. Stealing the breath of the audience and amazing the younger dancers watching from behind the curtains. Oblivious to the dark orbs admiring her from within the shadow of the theater corner.

The boy continues to watch the beautiful dancer upon the stage unaware of just how breathtaking she truly is. As the music starts slowing down to indicate the end of her performance and the end of the song, he takes his silent leave with a full heart and a wide smile.

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