Chapter Forty-Seven

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Amalthea Galanos

Thea wakes to the sound of extreme heaving. Noah's back is to her while he spits blood into the bucket. His shoulders shake in silent agony and she feels her heartbreaking. She reaches her hand forward to try and comfort him. His shoulders tense up as her fingers lightly graze his back. He holds his breath in what seems to be nervousness. His body stays frozen in its hunched position as she gets up to kneel in front of him. 

"Noah, ar-are you okay?" Noah's jaw clenches and he shuts his eyes tightly. It seems like he doesn't want to answer but at the last moment he shakes his head no and breaks down crying. His entire wracks with sobs and Thea quickly moves to hug him. She remains standing in front of him and he wraps his arms around her legs and lays his head against her stomach. 

With one hand she rubs comforting circles into his back and the other she gently runs her fingers through his hair. His tears soak through her shirt and wetten her stomach. For the first time in a long time, she does not cry. She merely stands there comforting him. 

Eventually, his tears cease and he pulls his head away from her stomach. His red-rimmed eyes stare up into her face and a sudden look of discomfort flashes over his face. He pushes her away urgently and yanks the bucket back to his face. Angry spurts of blood flow out of his mouth, making Thea's stomach turn violently. 

She bites back her nausea and gently sits down next to him and rubs all along his spine. His body shakes with apparent exhaustion and she gently helps him back into bed. His head barely hits the pillow before he passes out again. 

She lifts herself from the bed and quietly makes her way out of the room. The door silently clicks as she closes it and Danny suddenly appears right beside her, "Can I go see Noah?" Thea smiles in sympathy, "Sorry, bud. He's... napping right now." "Oh." Danny's smile drops completely and he gently reaches for her hand, "Is my brother going to die now?" She bites back the sudden wave of tears and shakes her head, "No, sweetheart, not now." He nods his head and pulls her toward the stairs, "Mom wants to see you downstairs." 

Jess smiles when they come into the kitchen, "Thank you, Danny. Why don't you go see what Vick and Thalia are up to?" She winks at him and he quickly scrambles out of the room in search of them. She turns to Thea and notes her almost dead expression, "You saw, huh?" Thea nods her head, discouraged, "How can that be normal? He's sicker than I've ever seen." "He's dying, Thea. This is just the beginning. It will get much, much worse. We just have to stand by him and hold his hand through it all." 

"Noah wanted to ask you to the wedding today. Did he?" Thea shakes her head, "What wedding?" Jess feigns hurt and puts a hand to her heart, "I am deeply hurt. My wedding, silly. It's in two weeks." Thea laughs and jumps toward Jess, "Oh, Jess, I'm so happy for you! Wait... two weeks? And you guys didn't say anything?" Jess smiles guiltily, "Sorry, Thea, he wanted to ask you himself." Thea waves her off with a single hand, "Where am I going to find a dress?" Jess laughs and in a very teasing manner says, "I believe Vick and Thalia are going dress shopping tomorrow." Thea's jaw drops, "Vick? An-and Thalia? My Thalia... together?" Jess laughs, "Yep, my reaction was similar." 

Thea blinks in utter surprise when Vick and Thalia walk into the kitchen. Vick with his arm over her shoulders and her with her one arm wrapped around his waist. Both laugh and Thalia speaks up, "What?" Thea closes her gaping mouth and shrugs her shoulders, "I didn't say anything. By the way, I hear you two are going dress hunting tomorrow, mind if I tag along?" Thalia smiles, "Sure." They smile at each other with a secret mischievous look and Vick moves around uncomfortably, "What is that look?" The girls shrug and wink at each other in unison. 

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