Chapter Twenty

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Fallon's mouth drops open in surprise, "Thalia?" The girl's eyes briefly flicker to her, "Hello, Fallon. It's nice to see you again..."


Noah James

Noah silently watches as this very new development starts to sink in with everyone. Thea has a sister that no one knew of... Tyson's eyes frantically move between the two women, "You two...know each other?" "No.""Yes." Both of them reply, Thea with the negative and the new girl with a smirk. Thea clears her throat and shakes her head, "No, we don't know each  other. Jeez guys, I'm starving let's go make lunch." 


The atmosphere in the whole house is stiff and awkward. The girls are in the kitchen while the guys are in the garage checking out some scuba equipment. "So...who invited the new chick?" Noah asks. Tyson's head pokes up  out of the hood of the beach buggy, "That would be me. I didn't think anyone would know Thalia. Plus she's a really cool chick to hang out with." James peaks his head around the side of the boat, "She really is. She's one of our closest buddies." "So you guys really didn't know that they were sisters?" James opens his mouth to answer when suddenly a strange noise startles the three men. Tyson widens his eyes and motions with his head and fingers for the other three to follow him. They nod their heads in turn and slowly creep behind him. Tyson gently nudges the back door open and suddenly he freezes. He slowly lifts his hands in surrender, "Nice horsie. Easy there boy." He starts creeping backwards and accidentally slams into Noah who  in turn smashes into James, Adam and Calum. The last two topple over and lay groaning on the ground.

Noah peaks his head around Tyson's shoulder and his body goes rigid. There just outside the door stood the large horse from just earlier the day, snorting in anger. The horse shifts around on his hooves as if about to rear. "Oh fuck...she was the rider..." Noah's eyes widen with the discovery. "Shit-fuck...Tanya's gonna freak out if she finds out." "Calum, go get Thalia, please. And don't give anything away to the girls." The remaining four boys stare at the horse, fearful for some sort of outburst. 


"For goodness sake, Calum. Just tell me what's going on." Thalia's irritated voice greets them. Noah breathes a sigh of relief, "Look here, Thalia, what is your problem with Thea?" Thalia cocks her head in question, "That's what this is about? Seriously, I'm the chilled one. She's the one who hates me." Noah snorts and Tyson gives him a look, "Right. So there's absolutely no reason why," Noah pushes the door open, "you nearly killed her and Tanya earlier?!" Thalia rolls her eyes and pushes past Noah. Her face breaks out into a soft smile and she gently raises her hand to the horse's nose, "Hi, boy. Did the mean boy scare you?" Her hand gently glides over the horse's flank and he shudders in pure bliss.

Noah clears his throat in annoyance and narrows his eyes in emphasize. Thalia carelessly rolls her eyes and breathes out a laugh, "I wasn't trying to kill them. I knew they would've moved out of  my way and besides, Bandit's too much of a sweetheart to hurt anyone. See," Thalia pulls James towards her and the massive beast. James tentatively lifts his hand and lightly strokes the horses nose, "Nice horsie." Thalia laughs and presses his hand down firmer, "He won't hurt you, Idiot." The horse snorts loudly and nuzzles James' hand...

"Thalia, what happened with your family..."

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