Chapter Nineteen

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Amalthea Galanos

"Please, Thea, please. I wanna spend some time with you this weekend." Thea groans, "I get that but why the whole weekend?" "Well, well..." Thea narrows her eyes dangerously, "You already invited someone else, didn't you?" Fallon shifts uncomfortably, "Maybe..." Thea groans louder this time, "Fallon! Why? Who the hell is going with us?" "Calm down. It's just you and me and Tyson and James are meeting us there. They might bring someone with." Thea groans again and rubs her temples, "Fine, whatever but I'm not taking care of any kids." Fallon nods in agreement, "Okay, no kids."


"Come on, why did you invite your sister?" "Because..." "Because what? Because Adam's with her? Why do you like him so much? Did you also invite Noah- the person whom I barely speak to?" "I-I... I'm sorry Thea. I didn't know he'd come with, I swear if I knew I wouldn't have invited them." "You realize that by inviting your sister word got around and now my Mom found out that I just didn't invite Calum. My reasoning was that only seniors were coming, Fallon!" "Thea...please tell me your brother is not coming?" Thea's shoulders drop. "No. No. No, no. Thea, he'll make everyone uncomfortable. Calum can NOT come." "Sorry, Fal. What's done is done, you brought this upon yourself."


"Would you two stop giggling like little kids for five minutes?" Both Calum and Marcella stop giggling for a second then continue on their own little mission. "Leave them be, Faron. They're practically the only sophomores in school who can like hang out with seniors outside of school." Fallon's lips purse in distaste, "It's Fallon and who invited you anyway, Tanya?" "Oh, my dearest boyfriend of course. Right Noahboah?" Thea leans behind them and mouths to Fallon, "Noahboah?" Both crack a huge smile at this and the cold chill between the friends disappears as quickly as it appeared.

A sudden gust of wind slaps Tanya's big sunhat straight off her head. She screeches and starts chasing after it. Everyone in the groups head's turn to the gradually darkening sky. Thea wipes a drop of water from her cheek, "Rain?" The wind suddenly starts spitting gusts at them and Tanya once more dives after her obnoxious hat. Rain starts pelting down on the group and everyone scrambles to find cover.

Tanya starts stumbling in their general direction when suddenly a horse bursts out of the bushes. The rider on the back of the horse looks determined to be somewhere and they race towards Tanya's frozen figure. Thea snaps out of shocked daze and she shouts out to Tanya, "Tanya, move!" Tanya stays rooted to her spot and Thea's body moves toward her in an automatic movement. She leaps forward and tackles Tanya out of the horse's way. She and Tanya roll in a mix of limbs as the horse gallops by on the exact spot where Tanya had stood. The rider hadn't even tried to miss them. She barely even turned her head long enough for Thea to see that her face was hidden under a half mask. It came up to just below her eyes, successfully hiding her identity. The horse disappears around a block of buildings and Thea stiffly starts patting the dust from her clothes.

Tanya sniffles and turns to face Thea with a starstruck look on her face, "T-thank you so much. You like, totally saved my life." Thea's eyebrows shoot up involuntarily, "Sure." "I am forever in your debt." Thea's eyes widen and she starts shaking her hands in dismissal, "No really, it's fine. You would have done it for me."  Tanya's eyes keep their starstruck look even after they join the group of friends again.


"Ugh I'm starving and my feet are killing me." Fallon sighs annoyed. "How far is your Aunt's place, Ty?"  Tyson walks a few more feet and moves a single branch aside, "We're here. Sorry that we had to walk guys, I forgot to ask my uncle to leave the buggy in town." Thea smiles reassuringly, "No worries, Ty. We're all thankful for them lending it to us this weekend." Thea elbows Fallon in her side. "Oh, right. Thanks, Ty, we all just had to get a bre- whoa..." Fallon's eyes nearly bulge out of her head. In front of them was probably the most beautiful place she had ever seen. 

White and light wood all over with palm trees surrounding the area. Just beyond the area of the house lay a crisp white beach and a sparkling blue shore. Thea drops her bag inn surprise to the beautiful scene and a quiet gasp leaves her lips, "Wow... I've never seen anything so beautiful." 

Tanya walks around the side of the house gazing at the beautiful ocean. Suddenly a loud scream pierces the air followed by an annoyed 'What the fuck?! '

The group quickly make their way to that side of the house. There sitting way too comfortably sat the one person Thea wished she never had to see again. 

(Pic of the house^^)

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(Pic of the house^^)

"What the hell are you doing here?" "Hello to you too, Amalthea." "You can't be here. You're supposed to be far away from here with dad, Thalia!" "Look you can be mad all you want, Thea-" "Don't! Don't you dare call me that! Only friends and family get to call me that!" "For fucks sake, Amalthea! I AM family. I'm your fucking sister, not some fucking stranger!" "I wish you were! I wish you were a stranger. I wish that I never have to see you again! You betrayed me! You betrayed mom! How dar-" "I was nine, Amalthea, nine! I didn't have a choice! I didn't fucking choose for Dad to leave mom or for him to take me! Why are you acting like I'm the one that made them split. Newsflash, I'm not! There's no fucking reason for you to hate me. NONE! You know what, I didn't come here for this shit. You should open your eyes and fucking grow up, it's about time you do that."

Fallon's mouth drops open in surprise, "Thalia?" The girl's eyes briefly flicker to her, "Hello, Fallon. It's nice to see you again..."

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