Chapter Thirty

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Amalthea Galanos

Thea's hands fiddle on her lap as her sister speeds down the town's main road. "Thalia...I...I don't think I can do this...Wait, turn around...I can't see him...not like this..." Thalia slows the car a bit but doesn't stop or turn around. "You have to face this at some point, Thea. If not now, then when? And if not you, then who?" Thea stares at her sister in astonishment, "Thalia..." "Not a word of this to anyone, you hear me?" Thea nods her head and lightly bites back a smile. She cares but doesn't know how to show it.


Thea's curled fist hovers in front of the big wooden door and she feels as if her clothes are suffocating her. Thalia had left her by herself about ten minutes ago. She finally musters up enough courage and swiftly raps her knuckles on the door. She waits for a few seconds before hearing footsteps shuffle towards the door. 

The door soundlessly opens and a plump, smiling Latino face greets her, "You Teah?" Thea grimaces an attempt at a smile back and nods her head. The beautiful woman steps aside and allows her to cross into the threshold. "Noah been waiting for you." Thea turns to look at the woman in surprise but stops short when a throat clears and both women turn to stare at the figure at the bottom of a grand staircase. 

"Ah, Vera, I see you've beat me to the door once again. I'm going to have to learn your tricks someday." The woman, Vera, giggles, and waves the two teenagers off dismissively. "You go have fun. Washing not wash itself." Thea smiles at the woman and turns to face Noah. He leans his weight on a single cane and his breathing seems to be a bit more shallow. "Noah..." Noah smiles brightly and waves a single hand in dismissal, "Oh, please don't. I feel great. Doc says I'm looking better every day." Thea quietly asses his form. Much skinnier arms and the muscle seems to have thinned over his torso and shoulders.  Dark circles underline his still beautiful eyes. 

His smile doesn't falter at her silence and he moves towards her, "Can I have a hug?" Thea practically throws herself at him and they stumble back a few steps. He lightly flinches and Thea leaps back in horror, "I'm so sorry. Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Noah chuckles and pulls her back into his chest. "I'm fine. Just a mild discomfort." She nuzzles her nose into his shirt and marvels in his incredible scent for a few moments longer. "I've missed you... a lot actually. More than I ever imagined I could miss someone who isn't gone." Thea's breath shudders a bit on the last word. Noah's arms pull her impossibly closer to him and they both just marvel in each other's embrace for a few passing moments. 

"Come on, we have a lot to talk about."

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