Chapter Eleven

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^Dagon's car^

Amalthea Galanos

Thea stretches her body as the movie's credentials start rolling, "Wow, I don't think I'll ever get tired of that movie." Dagon laughs as she lazily smiles at him, "You look like a lazy cat." She pouts and sits up right. "Hey, I was just pulling your leg." 

Thea laughs as he apologizes, "Relax, I'm just going to the bathroom." Dagon looks embarrassed for a second then rises and walks towards the kitchen, "What do you want for dinner?" Thea nearly trips over Lily, "What?" His voice answers from the kitchen, "What do you want for dinner, T?" "Dinner?" "Yes, dinner." "But it's still so early?" "Thea, it's nearly six." 

Her jaw drops, "Six?! Where the hell is Fallon and the rest of your family?" "I have no idea, maybe Fallon's at another friend's, Daniella's at her boyfriends, and I don't know where my uncle and aunt are." Thea scratches her head I confusion, "Damn, I didn't even realize so much time has passed."

Dagon walks out of the kitchen and leans against the doorway, watching Thea with Lily, "You still haven't said what you want for dinner." She looks up startled, "Oh, um...anything works." Dagon chuckles as she pays more attention to the dog than to him. He disappears back into the kitchen and picks up his phone, "Pizza good?" "Sounds perfect. What are you ordering?" He scratches his head, "Um...? What do you want?" 

"Seriously anything works." Thea walks into the kitchen with Lily running around her feet. Dagon nervously smiles at her and scratches his head again. Thea's eyes widen and she gasps, "Oh my gosh! You've never ordered pizza before!" He sheepishly smiles and lowers to pet Lily. "No way! Not on my watch. We're gonna buy the pizza ourselves. Go get dressed."

Thea points toward the bedroom. "Geez, bossy much?" Dean teases. Amalthea playfully slaps his shoulder, "Oh shut it." She pushes Dean forward and he laughs while walking into his room. Amalthea hurries into the bathroom and slips the comfortable clothes off and her dress on again.

Slipping her shoes on Amalthea grabs her thin jean jacket before heading toward the living room. As she waits she decides to scroll through her Instagram feed for a bit. A few minutes later Dagon emerges from the hall and gestures for Thea to lead the way. 

"Ironic how you live here, yet I'm the one leading the way." Dagon childishly sticks his tongue out at her and she playfully pushes his shoulder. "You're such a goof." "Only around you." He retorts then throws a smirk inn her direction, successfully stealing her breath for a second. 

She quickly snaps out of her reverie and jogs to catch up with him. "Steal your breath there?" he teases. "Don't flatter yourself. I just suddenly remembered that you've never ordered pizza for yourself, that's all." She playfully fires back. 

Dagon huffs and playfully rolls his eyes, "Whatever." "Oh don't be a sourpuss. Don't worry many people can't order pizza for themselves, like old people and really young kids and...yeah, no, you're probably the only teenager I know that can't," laugh, "order their own pizza." Dagon huffs again and rolls his eyes, making Thea burst out laughing. "You know, I didn't really take you for the mean type, Galanos." 

Thea's mood immediately sours after that, "Low blow, man." This time Dagon is the one that bursts out laughing, "Now don't be a sourpuss, T. Just joking around."

Passing by the snoozing cats again Thea unconsciously shrinks closer to Dagon under the feline's harsh glare. Thea's temper immediately flares and she sends the cat a cold glare in return. "Woah, easy, tiger. What's got you so upset?" Thea's bad mood immediately diminishes and she quickly smiles at Dagon, "Oh, it's nothing. Just Vivian being a dog." He gives her an odd look but lets it go nonetheless.

"Okay, so as we both know...I don't know how or where to go, so please. I await you're further instructions." Thea mock salutes him and dramatically clears her throat, "Westward." Dagon barks out a laugh at her antics and starts the car, "Aye, General." Thea comfortably kicks her feet up onto the jeep's dashboard, earning an amused look from Dean, "Comfortable?" 

"Uh huh." He suddenly accelerates, making her hair fly all over the place and successfully giving her a mouth full of hair. She splutters something inaudible while removing the hair from within her mouth. She gives Dagon a tight lipped look that says, 'I'll get you for that.'

"So tell me something about you, T." "Hmm, what exactly do you want to know?" Dagon thinks for a moment, "Favorite color?" Thea answers without hesitation, "Red. What about you?" "You'll laugh." "I promise I won't." He hesitates for another second then practically whispers, "Purple." Thea's jaw drops and she stifles a giggle, "Seriously?" Her voice strains a bit. Dagon briefly looks over at her, "What happened to you won't laugh?" Thea bites back another giggle at his serious expression, "I'm sorry, okay? You were just way too serious about that. I thought you were going to say something like pink or gold or something."

He now raises an amused eyebrow, "Seriously? That's why you're laughing? I thought you were mocking me for the color." Thea laughs out loud now, "So we both assumed the worst before really knowing? Damn, we're more alike than I thought." Dagon barks out another round of laughter and Thea quickly joins, both enjoying each other's company more than expected.

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