Chapter Four

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Noah  James

Noah silently watches his teammates mess around in the locker room. He's already clad in his black and white uniform, ready for practice. This is an upside in his opinion, practice in the morning instead of Homeroom. Noah isn't stupid, he just doesn't like school. His grades aren't incredible or disgraceful, just average. Enough for football.

Passing the gymnasium Noah has the urge to check inside. Making sure that no one is watching him, he quietly slips inside the door.

On the other side of the gym stands a ballerina leaning against a pole. She doesn't see or hear him, or if she does she doesn't give anything away. Her face set in a grim expression and her body poised, ready for dancing.

She pushes off of the pole and glides forward. She leaps into the air and lands a few feet away from him only to turn around again and leap higher, doing a twist in the air and making a twirl mid-air. Noah can't help himself and stares amazed. Her movements are fluid, flawless and graceful. Incredible.

He leans against a wagon and it moves, making a racket in its wake. The dancer suddenly stops and looks around her, removing one earphone. "Hello?" He tries to quietly sneak away put knocks into another one. Her head snaps towards him and she narrows her eyes, "Who's there?"

Mortified Noah turns around and crosses the short distance to the door, leaving without a sound.

The dancer walks toward where she had seen the unknown boy. Walking a few feet further she notices a necklace on the floor by the door. Blinking down at the Tiger Claw necklace, she glances around the room once more then retrieves her duffel bag and heads towards the girl's locker room.


The locker room is once more filled with loud voices. Practice had not been so bad this morning but the coach promised Suicide Drills for later the day's practice. Noah ignores the stupid comments on him being late and finishes before everyone else.

Walking through the empty hallways always creeps him out. The usually noisy hallway, now vacant of any other living things. His sneakers hitting the floor the only sound echoing in the hall. The sound of something dropping makes Noah freeze and hold his breath, "Okay then."

"Noah James! Why are you not in class?" Noah jumps and quickly turns to look at his Biology teacher, Mrs. Gray. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I had football practice and it ended early." Mrs. Gray seems to think over his explanation for a second then nods, "Ah, now I remember. Sorry for the misunderstanding." Noah releases a breath he didn't realize he was holding and smiles at the teacher, "That's okay, ma'am." "Well then, Mr. James, you better be getting to class. The bell's about to ring." Noah nods and walks toward his first period.


"Hello everyone, I'm your substitute for this week. My name's Mr. Roberts. Now is everyone he-" The door flies open interrupting the new teacher and making everyone look at the panting girl. "I'm sorry I'm late, Mr. King. It won't happen aga-" "Calm down, darlin'. I'm not Mr. King. And I'll let your tardiness slide if you tell us what kept you away." Noah watches as Thea nervously keeps her head down, "Ihannjasia." 

"What was that?" She takes a deep breath and says in a clearer voice, "I was dancing, sir." "Really? You don't exactly have the confidence of a dancer, what dance do you study?" "Ballet, sir." Mr. Roberts, whom Noah suddenly began to dislike, gently places his fingers under the dancer's chin and lifts her face to meet his gaze. Mr. Roberts' gaze flies to something on her face and his eyes narrow for a second, "Ms..." 


"Ms. Galanos, please meet me outside for a moment." She nervously nods her head and exits the door. "No work for today, quietly talk among yourselves." Then he exits, shutting the door behind him.

Noah lowers his head to his desk and closes his eyes, preparing to take a well-needed nap. He gently falls asleep with the graceful dancer on his mind.

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