Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Amalthea Galanos

Thea tentatively steps into her mother's home office. Her mother speaks without looking at her, "What is it, Amalthea?" Thea flinches at her tone and her fingers find the hem of her t-shirt, "Can I please use the car?" Regina practically throws her pen onto the table and turns her scrutinizing gaze to Thea, "Why? Where do you possibly need to go?" Thea's eyes sting a bit but she bites back the tears threatening to surface, "I want to  go see Noah, he invited me." Regina's jaw ticks for a second then her eyes harden into a glare, "You are too much of a burden on those people. They already have it hard, they don't need someone like you on their plates too." 

Thea attempts at swallowing the lump in her throat before she speaks, "Mom, please. He asked me to come... I'm not a burden-" "Ha! Says who? You? The boy? You don't know anything. You are a child. Children never think they are burdens especially if they are like you. No. I won't allow you to be a burden on anyone else. If you'll excuse me, I have work to do." She lowers herself back into the chair and pulls her papers towards her. 

Thea quickly makes herself scarce and closes the door behind her. Her eyes sting but she bites back the tears and walks back to her room. She's right... I am a burden on them. She shakes her head in determination, It won't happen again. Suddenly her phone buzzes with a text, making her snap out of her discouraging train of thought. 

"You still coming? I've sent the location."

Noah... She starts typing out an apology when Thalia suddenly appears and snaps the phone right out of her hand. "Nope. You are going to him. You guys never see each other and that old b-... grouch can't stop you. Won't stop you. Not on my watch. You guys deserve to be happy. You can take my car, so long as you swear not to scratch him." Thea nods her head and throws herself at her sister, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Thalia laughs and pushes her sister toward the stairs, "Hurry. Don't let her catch you." Thea smiles and takes off down the stairs, two at a time. 


She easily slips the car into gear and glides down the road that her phone directs her. 


Her mouth gapes at the beautiful, almost historic building in front of her. She slowly opens the door when she notices Noah's black car parked in the driveway beside the house. 

She slowly walks up the few steps in front of the large veranda. Lightwood makes up the outer walls and the floors are dark mahogany. She gently nudges the old, crooked door open, "Noah?"A  single creak echos in the house and his muffled voice floats down the wooden stairs, "Upstairs." 

She picks her way up the broken stairs and they groan a bit under her weight. She nervously picks her way up the staircase and when she reaches the top she stands and marvels at the sight for a moment. Large bay windows greet her at the end of the long hall and give a beautiful view of the large unkempt backyard. She stares out of the window for a few moments and turns to make her way into the first doorway but stops short when Noah suddenly appears right next to her. 

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Thea shakes off her surprise and turns to face the window again. "It's like nothing I've ever seen before. This entire place is." Noah smiles a genuine smile and reaches for her hand. "I imagine this place to be the house that I fixed with my future wife... a.k.a the love of my life... the reason for my existence." Thea's eyes scan his gentle face but his gaze is focused on the outside world. Their fingers lace together and she marvels in the amazing feeling shooting down her spine. 

He turns to face her and smiles broadly, "Want to have a tour of our future home, Milady?" She giggles and butterflies burst to life in her stomach. He gently pulls her after him. She startles for a moment when she notices his cane and feels ashamed of herself. For a moment it felt like he wasn't sick anymore and that he was... normal again. The cane was the slap back to reality that she needed. 

She deliberately slows her steps so as to remain walking behind him. Noah animatedly leads her through the entire upstairs explaining what he'd want to do with each room and she listens as eagerly as he explains. His enthusiasm making her be a bit more optimistic. 

Afterward, they both slowly pick their way down the stairs and she takes the lead on animatedly saying what she would envision for which room. They end their tour out on the veranda facing their cars again. They smile at each other and Noah lifts his hand to tuck a single strand of hair behind her ear, "Thea... I... I love you... and I get if you don't feel the same or don't want to say it-" She cuts him off, "Noah... I love you too..." 

Noah's face breaks out into a massive grin and he leans down to kiss her but her cellphone cuts him off with a ding. She pulls it out of her pocket and glances at the text from Calum.

'Mom's pissed. You're screwed.' 

Thea's sighs and gives Noah a fleeting hug, "I have to go. My mom wants me home. I'll see you later, text me. If you want, I mean. Bye!" Thea quickly pulls out of the driveway and practically races home.

As she approaches their house she spies her mother on their porch with a really pissed off expression, "Well, shit."

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