Chapter Two

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^Noah's car^

Noah James

"Green 180!" Breathe, Noah, breathe. "Hut!" The quarterback's pulse soars as the football comes flying at him. Jumping back a few paces he waits for his running back to open up. The receiver's hand flies up as he reaches the end zone. Noah braces and lets the football fly across the field just before he is tackled to the ground. The quarterback's head hits the ground hard as he falls and...

Noah sits bolt upright in his bed. His breaths in ragged pants. Just a dream, it was just a dream. He breathes a sigh and drags his hands down his face. In all honesty, he was still worn out having partied until early this morning. He glances around his room in search of any female life. Nothing, he sighs in relief this time. He doesn't have the energy to have to deal with an overly sensitive, clingy one nightstand. Tossing his covers to the floor Noah makes his way to his en-suite and starts his usual morning routine.  

The shower feels colder this morning, no matter how much hot water is added it just remains a freezing rain. Calming his mind, Noah exits the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a hand towel quickly drying his hair. He nearly trips over his backpack after noticing his stepsister, Yvette, sitting on his bed in nothing but her nighty. "What the hell are you doing, Yvette!"

A pout covers her pretty features, "Visiting my stepbro silly." Noah laughs incredulously, "You're crazy. Get out of my room."  He tightens his hold on the knot of the towel as she raises to her feet and softly pads closer to him, "I know you want me... I want you too." "Get away from me!" She scoffs and rolls her eyes, "Whatever." She closes the door as she exits. "Weirdo," he mutters the word before he can even stop himself. 

"Who's a weirdo?" Noah practically leaps into the air when a new voice joins his supposed to be quiet room. He turns around and dramatically clutches his heart, "You almost gave me a heart attack. What is it sneak into Noah's room day?" Adam laughs at his friend's goofiness. 

"Don't be stupid. Anyway, who's weird?" "My stepsister. She's crazy. I swear, if I don't watch myself she's going to be in my pants before you can say football." Noah sighs heavily and walks towards his closet. "She's hot, dude. Why not? I mean she's not your stepsister, yet." "Seven months, idiot. I mean she's pretty but not my type and once stepsister." "In seven months." Noah scoffs and throws his  friend with a pair of socks, "What would Marcella say if she heard you say something like that?" Adam sits up quickly, "You wouldn't." "Oh, I would." Marcella Anderson is Adam's girlfriend of 6 months and Adam is honestly smitten with her. 

Smirking at his friend Noah shrugs on his Varsity jacket that every football player is 'kindly obliged' to have. It's stupid really. "Dude, please don't. Do your bro a solid and don't tell his girlfriend what a pig he is." Adam pleads. Rolling his eyes, Noah walks past his friend, "Whatever man." Both boys slip into Noah's newest birthday present... a black Audi RS 5 Coupe. Choosing to block out this friend, he turns up the music all the way to school.

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