Chapter Thirty-Five

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Noah James

"Noah...Noah...hey... WAKE UP!" Noah lurches forward and nearly topples from the bed. "What? Where's the fire?" Danny giggles and pushes Noah's shoulder with his small hand, "There isn't a fire, silly. Someone's here to see you." Noah's brows knit together and he glances at the clock on his nightstand, "At six in the morning?" Danny nods his head, "Uh-huh." Danny jumps from the bed, "Hurry!" 

Noah scrambles to find something suitable to wear for Thea. His heart beats oddly but he ignores it and rushes himself into clothes and brushes his hair and teeth at the same time. 


Noah's cane clicks on the marble floors as he makes his way to the drawing-room. Voices greet his ears before he opens the door and he pauses to silently listen to Jessie explain something to an unfamiliar voice. Definitely not Thea. 

He nudges the door open and both women turn to face him. "Noah, this is-" "Courtney Alexander." Jessie opens and closes her mouth a few times, "I'll ask Vera to put some tee on." "Coffee will be fine thank you." Jessie looks at the dark-haired woman and nods her head. She quickly and quietly makes her way to the kitchen and leaves Noah with the uninvited guest. 

"Hello, Noah, how have you been?" "No. You don't get to do this. You don't just walk in and act like we know each other...we don't. Why are you here? Is there something you want from me?" "A hug would be good." Noah snorts and rolls his eyes, "You don't even deserve that much." Courtney's eyes cloud with emotion for a second then return to a blank stare, "Now, that's not very nice of you. That's not the way to greet your own mother." "Get this straight once and for all... you are not my mother." Venom drips from his voice and his eyes burn with a deep fury. 

Courtney looks unaffected and crosses her one knee over the other, "Then who is, Noah. You have to have a mother. Whether you like it or not." At that moment Jessie enters the room with a tray with coffee mugs on. "Jessie's been more of a mother to me than anyone else. And I'm very grateful to have her. You've have been horrible and uninvolved my whole life. Heck if dad didn't show me pictures of you when I was younger I probably would not even have recognized you." Jessie stares at Noah with a look of both remorse and pride. 

Courtney shifts her gaze between Noah and Jessica and a deep jealousy burns in the pit of her stomach. She stands up and smiles sweetly at both Noah and Jessica, "It was good to see you, Noah, do keep in touch. And, Jessica Darling, we must go shopping some time." Jessica nods her head in shock and quickly stands to walk her to the door. "There's no need for that, I know my way out." Jessica's surprise is clear on her face and Noah feels yet another stab of irritation towards his mother. He practically glares her out of the room and blows out an irritated breath when the front door audibly closes behind her.

He turns to face Jessie and shame clouds his features, "Mom, I'm so sorry. She shouldn't have been here. She's not welcome here. I don't even know why she came back. She moved to LA when I was seven. She left us for her career." Jessica smiles at Noah, "Hey, it's okay. She didn't get to me. I'm fine, see? Not a scratch on me, even if her claws were quite bared at me." She laughs a light laugh at the end making Noah blow out a relieved sigh. She's okay. 

Jessica leans forward and takes a sip of her coffee. She whips her head back and sticks her tongue out in disgust, "Ugh, I hate coffee." Noah laughs and takes his mug of coffee into his hands with delight, "Don't worry, I drink enough for the both of us."

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