Chapter Forty-Two

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Amalthea Galanos

Thea smiles at Noah's sleeping face and her fingers cease playing with his soft hair. She glances down at the dark wooden cane lying across her lap and a lump forms in her throat for the second time today. She quickly swallows it down and pulls her hand free from his grip. Raising to her feet she slowly makes her way through the familiar house. 

A delicate scent captures her attention and she quickly follows the incredible aroma. Her feet carry her through the quite familiar corridors and she finds herself in the glorious kitchen that she knows Thalia immediately fell in love with. 

She walks into the open plan black and white kitchen and immediately notices that Vick is the creator of the mouth-watering scents, "Vick? You know how to cook?" Vick turns to face her and has a look of disbelief on his face, "Why does everyone say it like that?" Jess, Thalia and Yvette laugh along with Thea and she makes herself comfortable by leaning against the counter opposite to their barstools. 

Yvette clears her throat with a sheepish look on her face, "Sorry for being so mean earlier, Thea. I'm not really good with new people... or people in general." Thea smiles and waves it off, "It's nothing. I totally get it, I'm not good with new people either." Yvette smiles gratefully and goes to stand next to Vick. She leans passed his shoulder and attempts at dipping her pinkie finger into his saucepan. He swats her hand away and pushes her face away, "No, go away. You always double-dip." 

Thea laughs while Jess merely shakes her head at her children's antics. "Always like this. There's never a moment of peace." 

The sound of the front door opening echos throughout the entire house and all movement ceases. Vick, Jess, and Yvette all frown at each other in confusion. Jess looks to Yvette, "Did you invite someone?" Yvette shakes her head, making Jess turn her attention to Vick who also shakes his head in negative. 

Heavy footsteps thump towards the kitchen and keys drop into the bowl in the entry hall. Vick and Yvette shoot each other looks and Vick quickly removes the apron and tosses it to Yvette who slips it on and ties it as fast as probably humanly possible. 

Seconds later a tall, intimidating man walks into the kitchen. He glances around the room and slowly acknowledges everyone in it. His dark brown eyes scrutinize her appearance and he seems satisfied with whatever it is he was looking for. 

Jessica clears her throat and stands to greet the man, whom Thea assumes to be Mr. James. He kisses his fiancé for a single second then turns to greet his eldest son with a handshake. He smiles rather fondly at Yvette and greets her with a hug. He returns his attention to Thea and she fights the urge to gulp.

Jess scrambles to introduce Thea to him, "Thalia, Thea, this is my fiancé Victor. Vi-" "Thea?" Thea unfortunately gulps and clears her throat, "Short for Amalthea, sir. It's wonderful to meet you." He snorts and she looks down to hide her surprise, "What kind of name is Amalthea?" She settles her nerves and looks him straight in the eye, "It's Greek, sir. My mother is Greek." Victor makes a sound of disgust, "Filthy people, the Greeks. Always have been, always will be." 

Jess looks mortified by what he says but does not say anything to apologize in a way for his unkind behavior toward the girls. She only shoots her an apologetic look and quickly leads Victor from the room toward, what Thea assumes it is, the bar. 

Seconds later Noah's cane comes clicking into the kitchen and his smile quickly drops when he notices everyone's solemn faces in the kitchen, "What the hell happened in here?" Vick turns to face Noah and a dark look crosses his features, "Dad's home." Noah's face morphs into fury, "WHAT? He's not supposed to be home yet. Not until next week." Yvette grimaces and pulls Vick back to the stove, "Quickly, while he's busy. I'm going to burn it all." She moves to stand next to Thea and gives her a one-arm hug in an apologetic manner, "I wish I could say that he's not always like that but I don't want to lie to you." Thea nods and leans into the hug for a moment then both girls pull away. 

Vick and Noah stand at the stove and Vick seems to be bringing Noah up to speed because as the explanation progresses Noah's chest heaves heavy, anger-filled breaths. Thea nervously chews her bottom lip and waits for the apparent dam to explode. 

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