Chapter Sixteen

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Noah James

"I can't believe you, the school's golden boy, got detention." Adam exclaims to his friend when they enter the school cafeteria. The jock rolls his eyes, "I'm not the 'golden boy', idiot." Adam rolls his eyes in return, "Riiight." Noah playfully shoves his friend's shoulder and claims his seat at their designated table. "Hey, Marci, do you think that Noah's the school's Golden Boy?" Marcella raises her eyebrows and confusedly looks between her boyfriend and best friend, "Why are you asking, Adam?" "Just answer the question, Marci. And do keep in mind that I am your boyfriend and he's your friend." Marcella rolls her eyes, "Yeah, I think Noah's the school's Golden Boy. Why do you care any-" "Ha! She agrees!" Marcella raises her eyebrows at her boyfriend, "Sweetie, are you feeling okay?" She gently grazes Adam's forehead with the back of her hand. "You don't seem to have a fever going but I still think you should go have a check-in with the nurse." Adam lightly swats Marcella's hand away, "I'm fine, Marci. Don't be such a worry-wuss." Marcella playfully smacks Adam's cheek and Noah bursts out laughing at their cute behavior. Elliot fake gags and smiles charmingly at the freshmen girl walking by, "You guys are being sickeningly sweet." He winks and her cheeks burn a bright red. "Noah! Don't flirt while talking to us! It's weird." Noah rolls his eyes and turns back to his friends. "And you two acting like an old married couple isn't weird." Adam playfully sticks his tongue out, "Oh you wish you had this. Jealous is not a good color on you, my friend."

Noah rolls his eyes and reaches for a french fry. Marcella quickly swats his hand away before he even reaches her plate, "Nah uh! You want french fries, you buy your damn own!" Noah pouts and rubs his burning hand, "Fine. I didn't even want your stinkin' french fries." Adam's face scrunches in confusion and he lowers his head to her plate. He takes a whiff and quickly retracts his face, "Good God, Marc! What the hell did you do to your fries?!" Marcella sniffs her fries and sticks her tongue out at her friends , "They smell fine." Noah and Adam send each other fleeting looks and shrug their shoulders. Noah resumes his previous actions of scanning the cafeteria and Adam starts happily munching on his sandwich.


"Ah, welcome, Mr James. Take a seat." Noah acknowledges the detention teacher and scans the faces of the other detention participles. His gaze lands on her all too familiar mop of hair and he casually makes his way toward her seat. He drops his backpack next to the desk and lowers himself into the way too uncomfortable chair, "Hey." She confusedly looks around her but no one else seems to be paying him any attention, "Err, hi." Noah smiles a goofy smile and sticks out his hand, "I'm Noah." Her eyebrows knit together in utter confusion, "Noah, we know each other. Did you hit your head or something?" Noah pretends to think and shakes his head, "Not that I can recall, no." Her eyes widen in disbelief, "Noah, you know me. We've been going to school together for as long as I can remember." Noah pretends to think again and suddenly his face nearly rips from his face-splitting grin, "Ha, so you did notice me before." Thea's jaw nearly unhinges and she narrows her eyes, "Donkey." Noah recoils in confusion, "Donkey?" "She's saying you're an ass, idiot." Both of their eyes shift to the new figure. "Kia! My, my, what brings you here?" "Lekia and I always have detention, numb nuts. Whoa, what happened to your ey-" "Miss Greene, if you'd please." Lekia rolls her eyes and slouches down in the nearest seat. Thea unconsciously lowers in her seat after realizing who she seems to have gotten herself involved with. The ultimate player and the residential bad girl. What could be worse...?

"Today as punishment you will do group activities for the school fundraiser. I do not care who you choose to be your partners but make your choices snappy, I want this over and done with as quickly as possible. One minute." Thea can barely register her thoughts when her chair gets turned around and she now sits facing both Noah and Lekia. "So, partners?" Thea stupidly blinks at the grinning jock, "What?" Lekia loudly sighs and rolls her eyes, "Clearly you two turn stupid around each other, so...peace out." Lekia rises to her feet and makes her way toward the other side of the class where the unofficial school druggies sat perched. Thea blinks at Lekia and then faces Noah again, "So, I guess we're partners then?" "Yup." The 'p' makes a popping sound while leaving Noah's lips. Thea nervously chews her bottom lip and looks around the room. Noah gently nudges her knee with his, "Hey, relax. I don't bite...unless you want me to." Noah adds a wink to fully give the effect to his statement. Thea looks mortified for a moment and Noah briefly wonders if he over stepped his boundaries but seconds later she bursts out laughing and clutches her stomach. For a moment it seems that she has forgotten about all her problems, including her blue eye. Her laughter subsides and Noah mentally pats himself on the back for making her laugh such a melodious laugh. Her laugh seems to have been so contagious that even the grumpy, old detention teacher cracks a smile. He calls order to the class and starts handing out the respected activities for respected groups.

After quickly scanning the paper, Noah blows out an overly exaggerated breath and gazes at Thea through dark lashes, "You ready for this?" She sighs an equally dramatic sigh and leans back in her seat, "As I'll ever be..."

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