Chapter Twenty Nine

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Noah James

Fear... Agony... Pain... Loneliness... Depression...

Noah contemplates all these things while the nurse attaches his IV. "Pamela, have you ever wondered about death?" Nurse Pamela's hands still for a moment but quickly resume to move across the medicine cart. "Deep thoughts today, Noah?" He breathes out a laugh and smiles a charming little smile, "Always, Pamela, always." Nurse Pamela snorts rather unladylike, "So I'm supposed to not count when you asked me if I knew whether or not butterflies poop?"

She raises a teasing eyebrow and Noah bursts out laughing, "Okay, you got me. These days it seems like all I can think about is it feels...when it will it will happen... It's kinda scary..." "Kinda?" Skepticism laces her voice. Noah sighs and rolls his eyes, "Okay... it's terrifying."

She smiles a sad smile, "Noah, it is going to be scary. The fear is unavoidable but that's why you are not alone. That's why you have people who love and support you. Noah, you have all these people who love you but it's like you're wearing a blindfold. Your brothers, your friends, your mother-" "Stepmother. She's my stepmother." "Does it really matter, Noah?! The woman cares for you like you are her own child. Get your head out of your backside and start seeing that!"

Noah's mouth opens and closes a few times. He blinks his eyes in total bewilderment, "I...have no idea what to say to that..." "Then don't say anything, Noah." Pamela smiles at him and gently pinches his cheek in a motherly manner. Noah smiles and takes the cup of water she hands to him.


"He's doing better, Victor. His treatments are going well and his medication seems to rather have a good outcome. You should have been here when he found out... not now...he doesn't need you now, he needed you two weeks ago." "What was I supposed to do, Jessica? Work called-" "You were supposed to cancel. He's your son and you weren't there for him because work called?! Don't try to feed me that bullshit. I'm not even sure he'll want to see yo-" A cellphone rings, "I have to take this. We'll finish this discussion later."

Noah opens his eyes when he hears the door close. His eyes find Jessica's and she smiles sympathetically, "I'm sorry, Noah I tried, really, I did. He just doesn't seem to listen anymore." Noah smiles back, "I don't care anymore. Someone helped me realize that I have other people who care for me so I don't need some people. He can stop seeing me for all I care." "Oh, Noah..." He shakes his head and smiles, "I'm fine."

He sits up and opens his arms wide for her to give him a hug. She hesitates for a moment in surprise but quickly complies and wraps her arms around his thinning torso. He squeezes her gently, "Let's go home, Mom." She inhales a sharp breath and squeezes him tighter in a moment of extreme emotion, "Noah?" "Hmm?" Her voice is thick with emotion, "Thank you." They hug each other once more and Jessica leaves the room to give him privacy to get back into his casual clothes.

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