Chapter Three

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^Fallon's car^

Amalthea Galanos

Gasping between laughs Fallon stares at her blushing friend, "Seriously, you, the graceful ballerina ran into a door?" "Why does everyone keep saying it like that?" Thea's question is a grumble which results in Fallon laughing even harder. "Fallon! Watch where you're going!" Thea frantically grabs around to find something to hold onto, while Fallon just giggles and turns to face the road again. 

Thea consciously slides down in the seat as they park in the school's parking lot. "Here goes nothing..." Sighing she steps out of the car. Head held high and her usual smile in place. Some people notice and stare at her black eye. Some heads turn to whisper behind their hands to friends. "Butt cracks. Don't pay attention to them, Thea." Thea nods her head and greets those who greet her with a beautiful smile. 

Loud laughs and heavy footsteps echo in the hallway behind Thea and Fallon. Fallon pushes her friend out of the way just as the football team comes running down the hallway, hollering and laughing. Groaning Fallon turns to her friend to voice her annoyance, "I hate it when they do that!" Thea agrees and nods her head turning to look at the last disappearing players. Unfortunately, the two girls are alone in this aspect, seeing as the rest of the hall is filled with laughter and now loud conversation. "I'm just glad the attention is no longer on me." Thea whispers while looking sideways, searching for curious eyes. No one pays her any attention, everyone is buzzing with excitement for this coming Friday's football game. 

Fallon abruptly turns to Thea, "Are you coming to the game?" Thea frowns while digging in her locker, "I really wish I could, Fal, but I have a show on Friday." Fallon's face falls for a second but then lights up again, "That's fine. I can't wait to see you perform again. What colour are you wearing this ti-" Fallon's breath suddenly hitches. "Fal?" Thea lifts her head out of her locker to stare at her dumbstruck friend. 

She waves her hand in front of her face, "Fallon?" She merely points to something behind her. Thea quickly turns around and sees the school's quarterback walking down the hall with his best friend flanking his side and one of his usual blondes attached to his side. "Ugh, Fal. He's bad news. If his friend always has a girl strapped to his side he's bound to be no better."

Thea turns back to her locker with a sigh. "Adam's not a player, Thea. But he's not exactly single either." Thea rolls her eyes and faces her friend, "That's even worse, Fal. He's taken and you still have Grayson." Fallon scoffs and distastefully states, "Grayson is in London, probably screwing the brains out of some bimbo. Why can't I be happy too?" "I'm not saying you can't be happy, Fal, and you don't know that. He may be studying or working to be able to visit you next summer as we speak and here you are bad-mouthing the poor guy." Sending her friend a pointed look Thea makes her way to her Homeroom. Fallon scampers after her, "That's just one scenario, we don't know the answer to the question if he is being faithful or not." 

Thea stops and turns to Fallon, "Fal, please just promise me, before you do anything that you'll talk to Grayson. He's a great guy and doesn't deserve to be deceived." Fallon sighs but makes the promise nonetheless. "Good. Now, you're going to be late for class if you don't hurry."

Fallon quickly glances down at her watch and sighs, "It's unfair you know." Thea laughs a breezy laugh, "What's unfair this time, Fal?" Fallon makes a sound of distaste and gestures to Thea's class, "Besides the fact that you have a hot teacher and I have a boring old cat-lady  for homeroom?" Thea full-on laughs this time, "You think every male homo sapien in the world is hot, Fal." Fallon playfully scoffs at her friend, "Whoa, don't go all smart on me here, Galanos.  And just so you know, I don't think Coach Brown is hot." Thea laughs again and pushes her friend away, "Go. The bell's go-" Thea is cut off by the bell and Fallon breaks into a run toward her own classroom, merely throwing a wave over her shoulder as a goodbye.

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