Chapter Twenty Two

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Amalthea Galanos

Tyson comes storming passed us and closes the glass door behind him. "What's up with him?" Fallon voices aloud. Thea shrugs her shoulders and returns to her simple task of cutting vegetables. Dinner wasn't going to be big. Just a nice snack platter. Thea reluctantly acknowledged that Thalia's idea wasn't so bad, though she would never voice that thought out loud to her sister. 

Fallon turns to her friend, "Are you okay? You've been awfully quiet since the fight." Thea shrugs her shoulders, "I'm fine. Just a little warn down, is all." She nudges her friend and whispers, "And just between you and me... Tanya's kinda freaking me out." Both briefly glance at the humming blonde. Fallon's eyebrow raises and she lightly snorts, "Understandable. She's like a freaking puppy now. I'm pretty sure if she could then she would follow you into the bathroom." Thea's eyes widen and she lets out a strangled yelp. 

This catches both Tanya and Marcella's attention. "What? What's wrong? Did you cut yourself?" Tanya's frantic bubbling is cut off by Thalia walking back into the kitchen. "What's going on in here?" Tanya pushes her toward her sister, "Thea cut her finger. Ew, does it look bad? Is she ok-" "Tanya, would you just shut up! I'm fine." Thea rips her hand away from the frantic blonde. Tanya's worry vanishes in a second and a hurt look crosses her features. Thea's eyes and voice soften, "Oh, Tanya. You know I didn't mean it like that. Please don't look at me like that." Thea reaches forward and pulls Tanya into her embrace, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you like that." 

Throughout the entire encounter Thalia's eyebrows don't drop from being raised. She playfully nudges the redhead next to her, "What the hell just happened here? I swear, it's like they had a lovers spout." Marcella frowns back at her, "I don't get what's funny about that." Thalia blinks in surprise, "Seriously?" Marcella's expression doesn't shift. Thalia snorts, "Whatever, weirdo." Fallon perks up, "Hey! Don't call her a weirdo!" Thalia's expression shifts to the other redhead. She blinks away her surprise and straightens up, "Yeah? What the hell are you going to do about it, ginger?" 

Thea watches as her friend's jaw tightens and she turns to glare at her offensive sister, "Haven't you caused enough trouble already?" Thalia's eyes snap to her, "Stay out of this." Thea steps forward and moves herself between her friend and sister, "Why don't you make me?" The challenge in her tone surprises her and everyone else in the room. Thalia's eyes harden and she full-on glares at her sister, "Fine. You know what, I don't have to stay around for this shit. Fuck you all and have a shitty-ass life." With that Thalia storms out of the patio door and stomps through the white sand. 

"Wow, that was intense. What have our lives come to? One day we're bored out of our brains and looking for drama/action the next we're so trapped in it that we can't escape it." Thea was once again amazed at her friend's nonchalance for horrible situations, "Fallon, you are one of a kind my friend. One of a kind..."

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