Chapter Thirty-Two

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Amalthea Galanos

Thea slips her coat from her shoulders and gently kicks her shoes off. "Thea? You're home early. Why didn't you call me?" Thea smiles and fluffs her hair out, "It's fine, I walked home. It's such a beautiful day out. I didn't want to waste it." Thalia pokes her head out of the kitchen and mock shivers, "It's freezing out. How can you willingly go out there?" Thea sticks her tongue out jokingly and points at her left cheek, "You've got a little something right there." She stretches the 'i' and Thalia quickly lifts her flour-covered hand to wipe her clean cheek. Flour stains her caramel skin and Thea smiles triumphantly, "You got it."

Thalia grins a wide grin, making the dimples in her cheeks practically pop out and slap Thea in the face, "Oh my gosh, you even have dimples! That's unfair. Devastatingly pretty and adorable. I have found proof that life is extremely unfair." Thalia laughs deep out of her belly and retracts back into the kitchen, "Come join me, I'm dying for some company." Thea smiles and follows her sister into the aroma filled kitchen.

"Wow, Thalia, it smells incredible in here. What's cooking?" "Well, we've got roast beef in the oven and some gravy and rice on the stove. The Raspberry Cheesecake's in the refrigerator-" "Refrigerator? You mean a fridge? Thalia, you're way too fancy for America. You have to take me to England with you if everyone talks like that." Thalia laughs a hearty laugh, "Sorry to burst your bubble, little sis, but your sister is a special breed on her own." Thea bursts out laughing and Thalia smiles broader than she has in a while.

Thea gets up to retire to her room and as she exits Thalia's voice makes her stop, "Did, Regina mention that the James' are coming over for dinner?" Thea's whole body swings around, "WHAT?" Thalia merely nods her head and continues stirring her gravy, "They'll be here in an hour."

Thea's heart pounds in her ears as she flies upstairs. Noah didn't mention anything... Thea flings her closet doors open and starts searching for something suitable to wear. Her hand grazes the soft material of her red off-shoulder dress and she curls her fingers into the soft fabric. She pulls it free from the mess that is her closet and smiles to herself, "Perfect."


Forty-five minutes later Thea stares at herself in the mirror. Her eyes are done with a smoky look and the dress compliments her bigger breasts and slim waist. She smiles at her still muscled legs and lifts onto her toes. She smiles in triumph, "Still got it." She lowers herself down and straightens out non-existent wrinkles in her dress. Her hair lay in ringlets down her back and shoulders and her lips shine with a dark shade of red.

The doorbell echos through the house and Thea smiles at herself reassuringly, "You can do this. This isn't going to be a disaster."


Her heels click on the hardwood floors as she walks down the hall towards the staircase. Voices float up towards her and her fingers fidget with nerves at the hem of her dress. "You can do this. It's just Noah... and mum... and Thalia... and... stop. Breathe. Walk."

"Wow, nice pep-talk. You should totally become a motivational speaker." Thea glares at Calum, "I didn't ask for your opinion. Why aren't you dressed? We have guests." Calum snorts and rolls his eyes, "And I care because...?" Thea's glare intensifies and she ignores his rude tone, "I'm going down to be a good host... Like mom raised us. Go put on something friendlier."

She looks him up and down and frowns in disgust. His ratty black t-shirt with a cracked skull on and black ripped skinny jeans. His nails are painted a terrifying shade of black and his eyes are underlined with black eyeliner. "Calum, please." He rolls his eyes and shoulders past her, down the stairs. "Screw you, Thea. I have nothing to prove."

Thea's heart clenches and she bites back the tears, Just leave him alone. He's in pain and doesn't know what to do. She mentally shakes herself and starts her descent down the stairs.

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