Ikea - ray toro

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"Just a couple more things then we'll be done and you can get on with your 'important' paperwork" I said to my boyfriend Ray who was following me reluctantly.
He looked up from the shopping list.
"It is important, your craving for more scented candles ,however, isn't"
I just laughed at him and dumped a throw pillow into the trolley.
"I'm giving the flat a makeover it's important"
A few moments later, the music stopped, leaving the enormous store eerily quiet.
"Shit, Ray, I think it's closing time, where the fuck is the exit"
"I have no idea"
Then the lights flickered off.
"Well we're fucked"
"This is why you don't go to ikea at 10pm"
"Well what are we gonna do?"
"Let's go find a comfy display bed and sleep"
I slid the trolley to the side, into a place I would be able to find it in the morning.
Ray collapsed onto the neatly made bed. I however just sat on the edge.
"You do realise we have the whole shop to ourselves"
"Yeah, and?"
"Let's do shit"
He sighed and shoved his face into the pillow.
"That's a really bad idea"
His voice was muffled.
"C'mon Ray, it'll be fun"
"We'll get in trouble"
I rolled him over then pulled him up.
"I bet you'll enjoy it"
"I regret every life decision I have ever made"
"So you regret asking me out"
"You're an exception"
I grinned and pulled him to his feet.
"I'm always an exception, now let's go make a pillow fort"
"If you insist"

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