Northern downpour sends its love - ryan ross

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Felt sappy, here's the result
Aka cute domestic fic with ryro cus I'm gay
Also I imagine Ryan's house to be very vintage and artsy and never properly lit, you get my vibes? Like an old book shop but more homey. Idk what I'm saying.

I heard a random chord strummed from the living room and smiled to myself, going back to washing the glass in my hand.
Ryan always got his guitar out in the evenings, he said if he didn't practice he would get bad. So he sat down on a mismatched armchair in the dim light of the old lamp he had chosen, sipping whiskey and singing softly to himself.
"Play something for me"
A chuckle came from the other room, then Ryan began softly strumming.
I pulled the plug, letting the water drain out the sink, then wiped my hands on a towel, getting most the water off.
Heading into the living room the strumming got louder, pausing occasionally as Ryan decided what to play.
"You writing something?"
I hummed in agreement, pretending to know what he was going on about even though I never did.
Ryan wasn't sat in one of his precious armchairs for once, instead he was sat on the scuffed wood floors, I slid down next to him.
"All these chairs and you sit on the floor"
"It's a gay thing"
I giggled, leaning against him slightly.
"So, you gonna play something?"
"Once I've figured this out, it's been a while since I played the song"
He fiddled for a moment longer before beginning to play. I recognised it immediately.
If all our life is but a dream
I smiled immediately, just the first line bringing back memories.
Fantastic posing greed
Then we should feed our jewellery to the sea
"For diamonds do appear to be, just like broken glass to me"
I sang along, my voice nowhere near as good as Ryan's. Yet he glanced down, a sappy smile on his face.
"I love you so much"
"Love you even more"
"Love you to the moon and back"
"You don't know how far that is Ross"
I smiled at how we could recall the conversation so easily, the look in Ryan's eyes the same as it was back when we were teenagers.
He began singing again, this time without the guitar.
And then she said she can't believe
Genius only comes along
In storms of fabled foreign tongues.
He tangled his fingers with mine and pulled me onto his lap, where his guitar had been just moments before.
Tripping eyes and flooded lungs
He pulled my face to his, his eyes locked on mine and his lips lingering close.
Northern downpour sends its love.
"I can't believe I married someone this sappy"
And with that we kissed.

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