Gerard way (comic book hobo era)

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Yes I'm doing a oneshot for comic book hobo Gerard cus I love comic book hobo Gerard. Also this chapter is legit just gonna be me being a nerd cus I love comic books.

I entered my favourite comic book store, smiling as the familiar smell of new comics hit my nose.
"Alright y/n"
I turned to see the shop assistant Jay walking towards me.
"Yeah you?"
"Just got some new stock in, not quite the normal stuff but it seems cool"
"Can I see?"
"It's over there on the display table"
I weaved my way through the store to the display table at the back where there was stacks of vintage comics.
"Woah, where did you get these"
I flipped my way through the pile finding an old spider man comic from the eighties.
"A mate of mine was getting rid of them, couldn't let them go to waste"
I hummed in agreement, absorbed in the comic.
"I'll leave you to it then, bring any you want to the counter"
And with that he turned away, sitting back on his chair and flicking to a page in his book.
A few moments later, a bell rang through the shop, signalling someone had entered.
"Yo Gerard, how did it go?"
"Amazing, they want to make a Netflix series!"
The voice sounded so happy that I just had to turn around. Across the counter from jay stood a guy with long brown hair and slight stubble, I had seen him around the store a few times and new him as Gerard way, the guy who wrote umbrella academy. If you couldn't tell I had a not so small crush on him.
"Dude that's so cool"
"I know, and they asked me to make a song for it"
I decided on which comic books I wanted to buy and rested them on my arm before heading towards the counter.
I stood awkwardly about two meters away from jay and Gerard as they talked before Jay saw me.
"Ah, Y/N, chosen the comics?"
"Yeah, there was quite a selection but I managed to choose a few" I laughed awkwardly, looking down at my feet.
Jay began scanning the comics.
"Oh, Gerard, tell y/n the good news"
"My books being made into a Netflix series!"
He sounded like an eight year old he was that excited, I smiled.
"That's amazing, do you know when it's coming out?"
"They said around February 2019"
"Well I'll have to make sure I see it"
"I could probably get you into the premier"


It was February and I was stood in a hotel room straightening out my clothes.
Somehow Gerard had got me into the premier as his plus one or, as he kept putting it, his date.
Since Gerard had invited me to the premier in that comic book shop tons had happened.
Firstly, we started talking regularly, by regularly I mean we were talking every day.
Then he asked me out to get pizza.
Eventually we started dating officially, meaning his fans went mental, as someone who has no clue about music I was very surprised to hear he was pretty famous in the music industry.
Now I was coming to a premier as his date.
If you couldn't tell, I was very nervous.
"c'mon darling, let's go before we end up late"

I slid my hand into Gerard's as we approached the red carpet.
He was wearing one of his typical "hobo looking but very expensive" outfits and I was wearing a suit to match.
"Gerard I'm really nervous" I whispered.
"Don't worry, I'm with you, and mikeys here"
He squeezed my hand reassuringly.
By the time we were in front of the cameras I had relaxed, now smiling slightly as I met the cast Gerard had spoken so fondly of.


Almost six hours later we were back in the hotel, both sleepy as we stripped down to our boxers and snuggled together in the bed.
"I'm proud of you gee"
I snuggled into his side.
"Love you"
"Love you too"

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