Flowers, Hugs and Kisses - ryan ross

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I got the idea for this from QI (a great tv show btw) and just thought it would be pretty cute, so yeah. Also Ryan Ross is an adorable bean so I used him for this one.
I stepped into the dark front garden, glancing up at his bedroom window to make sure that he wasn't awake. There was no light on. I stepped forward, placing the rose on his doorstep. He couldn't miss it. I then made my way back down the path, hands shoved deep into my pockets.
The next time I saw him was at work the next day.
“You'd never guess what y/n”
“Someone left a rose on my doorstep, no note, nothing”
I smiled down at my paperwork.
“That's weird Ryan”
“It's actually quite nice, to know someone cares”
I blushed, keeping my eyes on the document in front of me.
“you could let them know?”
“Good idea y/n”
The next night I appeared at Ryan's doorstep with a sunflower in my hand. when I bent to place it down there was a small envelope where I had put the rose the night before.
I picked up the note and slid it into my pocket before placing the flower on his doorstep and walking out of his garden.
Yet when I glanced up at his window I saw two brown eyes staring down at me, trying to see my face in the semi darkness.
I sat at my kitchen table, about an hour later, turning the envelope over in my hands.
In the warm light I could see a hand drawn rose on the front of it, drawn in bright fine liner.
I opened the envelope before pulling out the letter to see a couple lines of Ryan's neat handwriting.

Thank you for the rose,
it's nice to know someone cares
Ryan xx

The next day when I bumped into Ryan at work, I was happy to see the head of the sunflower pinned to the lapel of his jacket.
“Hey, y/n, I took your advice and wrote them a letter”
I tucked my hands into my jacket pocket, feeling the smooth surface of the letter beneath my finger tips.
“That's good, any response”
I knew the answer already.
“No but I uh- I saw him. Not his face, it was too dark for that, but I saw him put this on my doorstep” he gestured to the sunflower.
“That's nice, I uh-I have to go”
I speed walked away, feeling guilty for some reason. I should tell him.
I will one day, I swear.
About a month later and I still hadn't told him. I had upgraded to wearing balaclavas now, to avoid getting caught.
I walked up to his doorstep and placed a small bunch of tulips on his doorstep.
I was glad that night that I had been wearing balaclavas as when I was turning to leave I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned to see Ryan in his pajamas, illuminated by light that was coming out of his front door.
“You're the guy that's been leaving flowers on my doorstep”
Well that was pretty obvious as I had left some flowers on his doorstep.
I nodded anyway.
“I wanted to uh- say thank you”
I looked down but jumped when he wrapped his arms around me. I  wrapped my arms around him and he tucked his head into my neck.
“Thank you for the flowers”

It was only three months later but I was moving away. I still hadn't told Ryan it was me.
I chose my final bouquet from the florist, a small bunch of forget-me-nots.
I also added a small note.

These'll be your last flowers, I'm moving away, goodbye Ryan.

I placed these on his doorstep, but as I was walking away I heard his voice.
I turned.
“Y/n is the only person I know who is moving away so you must be y/n”
He walked over to me.
“Are you y/n”
I spoke, my voice muffled through the balaclava.
“I'm glad you're y/n”
With that he tugged down my balaclava to see my face.
“Thank you for the flowers y/n”
He grabbed the collar of my coat and pulled me into a kiss.
When we pulled apart, me blushing, Ryan said one last thing to me.
“I'll miss you y/n”
“I'll miss you too Ry”

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