I'm straight I swear (andy biersack)

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Ghost of Ohio/current era
You're a roadie for the tour.

"I'm not gay. I don't like guys."
I repeated it into the mirror over and over, trying to make myself believe it, but pictures of him kept flashing into my mind. His giggle, his little quirks and his god damn voice that made my legs weak.
But I don't like him. He's just good looking, I can appreciate aesthetic beauty without being gay right.
I sighed and leant forward, my head leaning on the mirror.
"Y/n, you alright in there?"
It was him, Andy.
"Y-yeah, I'm just using the toilet"
That didn't sound as convincing as I wanted it to be.
I heard him walk away and relaxed, letting out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.
I couldn't be gay, being gay is bad. My friends can be gay but not me, it's different if it's me. It's disgusting if it's me.
I unlocked the door hesitantly to see his concerned face, his makeup perfected.
"You sure you're alright? I heard you talking to yourself"
"Y-yeah, just thinking out loud"
"You don't look to good, I'll tell the guys you're feeling a little under the weather"
He hugged me briefly before darting off, probably to get to the stage, he probably needed to be on in ten minutes or so.
Once the bus was empty I collapsed onto my bunk, feeling it creak beneath my weight.
I had apparently drifted to sleep because I was awoken by laughter and Andy entering the bus, a pride flag over his shoulders.
"I can't believe it hit me in the face"
"Did you see the kid that threw it?"
"Yeah, he looked so happy, it's unbelievable"
I lifted myself out of my bunk, banging my head on the way, and went to the main seating area.
"Oh, y/n, how are you feeling"
I looked down.
"Better, thank you, sorry I took the evening off"
I drew my head up as staring at the stain covered carpet was putting me off ever entering this bus again.
"It's fine, honestly"
"Anyone want a beer?"
Sage's head popped up from behind the fridge door.
"Sure why not, y/n?"
"No thanks, I might drive"
Driving always helped clear my head, and boy did my head need clearing.
I headed to the front of the bus and sat in the worn seat, grabbing the keys from the hook above the window.
"Is everyone sat down"
I heard a chorus of affirmation so I slipped the key into the ignition, starting the engine.

Later that evening, after I was pretty sure everyone was asleep, I stopped the bus in the car park of a 24 hour supermarket, stepping outside to have a smoke.
"You've been a bit off today"
Andy had exited the bus and leant against the wall next to me.
"Thought you were asleep"
"Couldn't, 'm worried about you"
I took another drag from my cigarette, "sorry"
"What's getting you down, and don't deny it I can tell"
I kept my eyes on the ground.
"I-" I paused, taking in a deep breath "how did you know you were gay?"
He glanced at me, a look in his eyes that I couldn't quite decipher.
"Well, I liked a guy at school. One of the jocks of course. And at first I just thought I was weird but then he liked me back and we went out. I thought he was a one off, then I liked others, and of course there was the thing with Ashley. I didn't put a label on it until I was 19, by then I had realised it wasn't just a one off"
I didn't respond, instead dropping the remnants of my cigarette to the floor.
"Andy I- " my eyes began to water and my voice was shaky, "I like a guy, I'm gay"
Andy's arms wrapped around me in a tight hug as I let the tears fall properly.
"It's okay, I know what it's like"
I hugged him back, probably causing a damp patch of tears to form on his shirt.
"My parents are gonna hate me, my entire family's gonna hate me"
He pulled away, placing his hands on my shoulders and fixing his blue eyes to mine.
"I know it feels like that but they'll come around. If not, you've got me, and the guys."
I rubbed away my tears roughly with the back of my hand.
"Thank you, so much"
"My pleasure, now tell me, whose the lucky guy"
I smiled slightly at his attempt to change the subject.
"Can't tell you"
"Aw why not, do I know him?"
"You could say that"

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