Dan Howell x ftm reader

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ur a model, don't question it. Also just so you know whenever I tried to write curly hair it corrected it to curly fries so I'm dying.

Transgender reader, you've had top surgery and ur on T.

"Hi, I'm here for the modelling job?"
The guy stood in the door way smiled slightly.
"Hi, you must be y/n, right?"
I nodded and the guy opened the door, welcoming me in.
"I'm Dan, I hope you don't mind the mess"
We had entered a basic studio, on one side the wall was painted a bright white and on the other side there was bright lights and a camera all connected to a laptop with a tangle of cables.
"It's fine, my flats worse"
He laughed and ran a hand through his curly hair.
"Before we start would you like a cup of tea whilst I explain what we're going to be shooting?"
I wasn't sure what it was but the was something about this guy that made me feel relaxed. Maybe it's the fact that his studio wasn't professional or the fact that he wasn't a creepy old dude, either way, as we talked I found myself relaxing and sipping on the sweet tea he had made and petting the small dog that kept running around my feet.
He pulled a thick folder out from a drawer across the room and placed it on the table infront of us, beginning to flick through.
"So, I'm building up a portfolio of lgbt+ people and I saw your ad and, well, I thought you looked perfect if you don't mind me saying"
I laughed slightly, looking away from him and down at the portfolio.
In the folder were what looked like thousands of photos of people, the ones that particularly stuck out to me were the photos of pride, I vaguely recognised it as Brighton pride last year.
"These are amazing"
He blushed.
I ended up flicking through all the photos, complementing every single one until I got to the back where there was just simply sketched outlines of photos that hadn't been taken yet.
"These are the ones I wanted to take with you, I hope you don't mind them"
"They look cool"
"But-um- I hope you don't mind but you'll have to be shirtless for this one" he gestured to the only coloured sketch, I understood why as the sketch showed that I would be splattered in blue, pink and white paint.
"Oh it's fine, I've been covered in worse"

We were coming to the end of the shoot and Dan was preparing for the final shot by squirting three colours of body paint onto an artists palette.
"Okay, just take your shirt of so it doesn't get stained and I'll start applying the paint."
I pulled my white shirt over my head, folding it neatly over a chair.
"Ok, get painting mr artist"
I sat on a stool and Dan began to coat his thick brush in blue paint.
"Close your eyes"
I followed his instructions and soon I felt thick blobs of paint splatter my upper chest, neck and face. Then again, then again, until I heard dans soft voice.
"You can open your eyes now"
I looked down to see the bright paint contrasting with my skin, Dan had splattered it in the order of the trans flag, starting at my neck and ending just below my navel.
He moved to behind the camera and began focusing it, asking me to shuffle slightly into frame and adjusting the lights.
He had taken two or three photos before he moved towards me and started manually moving my limbs, putting me in the perfect position.
I felt his soft hands ghost over my skin, making me stand up straighter, moving my arm slightly back.
Then I felt his fingers trace along my scars.
"Did it hurt, the surgery?"
This was an abrupt noise in his usually silent work.
"For the first few weeks, but I'm alright now, just got to deal with these ugly scars."
He paused his tracing, staring where he had smeared the paint.
"I like them, they look like battle scars"
Then he seemed to realise what he was doing and snapped out of his trance.
"I gotta get this final one done, I've only paid you for four hours"
"It's fine if you overrun, it's not your fault"
He was busying himself with the camera.
"It is, I shouldn't get distracted"
"Oh so I'm distracting now am I?"
He blushed deeply.
"I-I have to get on with work. Position, please"
I stood in the pose he had asked for and braced myself for the flash.
Once the photos where finished Dan stepped back from the camera.
"These look about right, thank you, you uh- you can use my shower if you want"
I smiled at him before heading down the hall like he had directed, getting handed a towel by Dan on the way.
I somehow figured out his shower and eventually washed all the paint off, the water turning into a purple-ish colour before running down the drain.
I finished and switched off the shower, wrapping myself in the fluffy towel. I tugged on my boxers, making sure my packer wasn't at a weird angle, then proceeded to pull my skinny jeans over my legs, with a bit of a struggle due to the fact that my skin was still slightly damp. I made absolutely sure that my packer wasn't making it look like I had a boner then turned to try and find my shirt.
Once fully dressed I headed back to the studio to grab my bag and thank Dan.

"Hey it was nice meeting you, I'm looking forward to seeing how the photos turn out"
Dan was fiddling with the lights.
"I think they'll be great, you're a great model"
"You've got my email right? Be sure to send them"
"Will do, you want me to show you out"
We headed towards the front door, pausing in the door frame.
"Um, before I go, I was wondering if you would maybe wanna go get coffee together? Like, as a date"
Dan blushed slightly.
"I'd love to"
I internally congratulated myself before pulling out my phone.
"Well then, could I possibly have your phone number?"
we exchanged phone numbers briefly.
"Well I've gotta be off, my dog unfortunately cannot feed himself"
"text me"
"I will, hopefully I'll see you soon"

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