fluff - bvb

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I see these in tons of oneshot books and they're super cute so I tried to write one. This is a kinda how you met type thing.
This is dedicated to my friend skye cus he was apparently reading this book and didn't know it was me. So yo, skye, whats up.

You and CC have known eachother since you were five, your families moved next door to eachother and you were forced to hang out at neighborhood barbeques so you eventually became friends. When you got to high school you ended up being the loner and he ended being the class clown, not the most likely of pairings. You guys had grown up together and he was the first person you ever came out to. When you came out he was 100% supportive, coming out to you barely a month later. You became highschool sweethearts and ended up marrying in vegas on your gap year. You've been happy together ever since.


You and Jinxx met in a cafe just down the road from your house. You had just ordered your coffee but couldn't find the change to pay for it. Jinxx was in the queue behind you and offered to pay. You ended up sitting together and talking for over an hour, eventually exchanging phone numbers. The next week you met up again, this time you paid for the coffee. You started meeting every week in the cafe, taking turns to buy coffee each time. He eventually asked you out and you've now been together for just over a year. You still go get coffee every week.


You met Jake at work, when you transferred into a new job as a sound engineer, Jake came in to meet with your boss and you happened to bump into him in the hallway. You kept accidentally bumping into him almost every day for a week until you confronted him and he admitted he had been trying to bump into you on purpose. When asked why he blurted out that he thought you were cute. You ended up giving him your phone number before going back to your job. He ended up asking you out via text, you've been dating for a few months now.


You bumped into Ashley in a night club, you were both pretty drunk and he ended up going home with you that night. The next morning you woke up with a huge hangover and a note on the bedside table, with a phone number scrawled on the bottom. Turns out he needed to go to work but asked you to call him that evening. When you did call him he said he wouldn't mind meeting up again at some point because, in his words, "the sex was amazing".
You eventually ended up in a casual relationship for a few months, eventually he asked you to be his boyfriend and you of course said yes. Now, a couple years on, you are engaged and planning a wedding for halloween.


You met Andy at a concert for a small band that had become quite popular in your tiny town. He ended up accidentally spilling his drink on you so he offered you his shirt, you asked for his phone number so that you could text him when his shirt was clean. When you met up to give him his shirt he asked you out, when you asked him why he simply said you looked good in his shirts. You've only been dating for a few weeks now but you've already stolen a few of his shirts.

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