Awsten Knight x trans reader (ftm)

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I hate myself :)
Tw: dysphoria

The moment I woke up I could feel that today was gonna be bad. My skin crawling and my head repeating it's stupid mantra of self hatred.
Awsten couldn't tell, he got up like normal, showering, shaving, sitting down for breakfast.
I however only got up when Awsten had gone downstairs, and almost immediately threw a blanket over the full length mirror in the corner.
I pulled one of Awsten's huge hoodies out of a drawer, a pair of baggy cargo shorts out of another. I then grabbed a binder and a pair of boxers out of the underwear drawer and went to the bathroom.
I headed into the en-suite cautiously, leaving the lights off so I was stood in semi darkness and closing my eyes so I couldn't see the mirrors practically surrounding me.
Showering was worse than looking in a mirror. Being naked for long periods of time, forced to scrub every inch of my body.
I peeled off the random band shirt I had slept in and pulled off my boxers, stepping into the cold water
I fiddled with the dials, Awsten always had his showers too cold,
I kept looking up as I shampooed my hair, but when it came to washing myself I had to look down.
My eyes washed over my body and almost immediately I broke down, lowering myself to the floor of the shower and curling up into a ball, knocking over my shampoo bottle in the process and causing a loud bang.
My tears blended into the water washing over me as my body shook with sobs.
"Hey, y/n, you okay?"
Awstens cheerful voice came from the bedroom, he probably heard my shampoo fall over.
He was beginning to sound worried. He probably wasn't. I let out another shaky sob.
"Y/n, if you don't answer soon I'm gonna come in."
I simply curled up tighter.
"Right, I'm coming in"
There was a shove on the door, a loud bang, and it swung open. That lock had never been strong.
"Don't look at me"
My voice was quiet.
"Babe, what's wrong"
"Please don't look at me"
He moved closer, beginning to get damp from the shower.
"Y/n, tell me what's wrong."
"I hate it Awsten, I look like a girl. Everyone sees me as a girl."
He hugged me tight, definitely getting soaked in the process.
"I don't see you as a girl. Your my handsome boyfriend. Yeah you're a bit different, but that doesn't matter." That made me smile slightly into his shoulder. "Now Come on, let's get you out of here. Then you can prove your masculinity by opening that Mayo jar that I've been trying to open all morning."
I let out a quiet laugh, my voice still slightly croaky.

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