Goodbye, I'm sorry - gerard way

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I'm sorry this is depressing, shits been getting to me. I feel like no one cares anymore. No one I know has attempted to contact me for over a month, and no ones replied to my messages. I haven't slept properly for weeks and I barely eat. I'm a waste of space at this point. I want to die but I'm a coward and I'm too scared to do it myself. Anyway, you guys don't care about me, you just want the fucking story, here you go:

The world doesn't care, no one wants me around anymore. I'm just a washed up old singer.

I should have seen the signs. It's obvious now.
He wouldn't leave bed for days, he barely ate. I feel like it's my fault.

This is the billionth draft, it feels like. My waste paper basket is full of them at this point. I don't really know what to say?
I want to say I'm sorry, that it's not your fault and you couldn't have done anything about it. I know you won't believe me.

I feel like no one would care if I carried on or disappeared, the world would just carry on without me. Maybe a small article in a newspaper. But I haven't made new music in years, everyone just wants the band back together or a new book or music videos, I can't take it.

Everyone knows by now, it was on the news. They tried to interview me but I turned them down. Family and friends keep calling me. All I want is to be left alone, Ray insists on staying here, so I "don't do anything stupid".
Frank was devistated, but Mikey was probably the worst. Worse than me, I would say.
He disappeared for a week, was found blackout drunk and brought back, he hasn't left his room in days now.

I would recommend calling the police, so they can find me before some little kid. I'm going to the river. I've been planning for a while.

They found the body, search parties  searched the river and its banks. He was found three days after I found the note.

I love you, don't forget that. You're the only thing that's stopped me up until now. Every time I try I see you. But even you can't stop me now.

The wedding was supposed to be in a month. We had everything planned. A beautiful castle in Scotland, black suit for me, even the colour palette was decided. Now I have to un plan it, each phone call painfully reminding me of him.

I'll be with you forever, just understand that this was easier than living, the cowards way out.
Goodbye, I'm sorry.

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