boyfriend - Brendon Urie x transgender male reader

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This was a request cus I'm actually tryna get requests done right now.
btw I genuinley have expirience with this cus I had to come out as trans to my ex girlfriend and, well, that was an expirience and a half.
btw Y/D/N = your dead name/ pre transition name.
Sorry this is a lil short.

I rubbed my coarse sleeve over my face when I heard the rattle of the doorknob, attempting to rid my face of any tears that had lingered there just moments before. The door soon swung open and Brendon walked in, his hair a mess and a guitar case slung over his shoulder.
"hey y/d/n"
I tried to shrink into the sofa.
He leant the guitar case against the wall before heading to the kitchen, I assume to make coffee.
"you had a nice day?"
"not really, how was practise?"
he walked backwards into the living room.
"whoa whoa whoa, stop there, why didn't you have a good day?"
"it's not important"
he perched on the sofa next to me.
"yes it is, whats wrong."
"I can't tell you"
"you can tell me anything baby."
I felt one of his hands rubbing my back soothingly.
"you would hate me"
"I couldn't ever hate you, now tell me what's wrong."
my throat blocked up when I tried to say it. more tears sliding down my face.
"calm down darling" he wrapped his arms more firmly around me. "whats wrong"
"I'm trans Brendon, I'm a guy" I blurted it out "I understand if you wanna leave me or something"
"why would that make me wanna leave you? I'm completely fine with having a boyfriend."
The word boyfriend brought a slight smile.
"I'm so proud of you. What do you want me to call you?"
"uh, y/n, I wanna be called y/n"
"y/n suits you. now can I have a kiss from my handsome boyfriend."
I smiled slightly before pressing my lips to his.
"love you bren"
"love you more y/n"

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