Ryan ross (transgender reader)

925 28 7

Not really a romantic one more just you and Ry are best friends.
Btw Ryan doesn't know you're trans and you've been friends for five years, you've had top and bottom surgery and you're on T.

"I'm gonna go use the shower"
we had been binging Netflix since the previous morning and I felt like I just had to shower.
"M'kay, you know where everything is don't you"
I had been here hundreds of times of course I did.
I slid the fluffy blanket off my shoulders and stood up, shaking off the popcorn crumbs that had gathered on my lap.
"'Kay, don't take to long"
"Can't make any promises"
I lifted myself from the sofa and headed towards the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the pile Ryan had in the hall.
As soon as I was in the bathroom I stripped down. Chucking my shirt and joggers to the floor, then my boxers.
I stepped into the shower, turning it on so that the warm water flowed down my back.
I usually hated showers, or was it that I hated myself? either way, the idea of being naked for extended periods of time made me uncomfortable.
I scrubbed myself with Ryans shower gel and thoroughly cleaned my greasy hair before stepping out, glad that I had managed to shower in under five minutes.
I roughly dried my top half before tying the towel round my waist and grabbing the razor and shaving cream that I kept at Ryans house.
I heard a quiet knock on the door, "dude, I need to piss, you cool if I come in?" Apparently I had a complete mind blank because I said "yeah sure dude" and Ryan opened the door and ran in.
I had seen Ryan naked thousands of times, so I honestly didn't care about potentially catching a glance of him peeing whilst I shaved. He however had never seen me naked and, once he had zipped up his fly and approached the sink to wash his hands, he made me remember why.
"Hey, Y/N, what are those huge ass scars on your chest."
Holy guacamole,forgot about those.
I froze on the spot.
"I uhh, um"
He could obviously see I was uncomfortable because he then said "just get dressed bro, I'll be in the kitchen"
Once the door shut I panicked ever so slightly, what the fuck was I gonna tell him?
I finished shaving then pulled on my shirt and sweatpants, mentally preparing myself for a possibly friendship ending revelation.

Ryan was sipping on a diet cola when I stepped into the kitchen, rubbing my sweaty palms against my thighs.
"Dude, you okay"
"Yeah, uh, I need to tell you something"
Ryan perched himself on one of his barstools.
"What is it?"
"I- god this is harder than it need to be-"
"Calm down, is this about those scars?"
"Yeah, it's about those. Ry, I'm trans."
He leant back against the breakfast bar.
"You're not mad?"
"Why, should I be?"
"No, it's just, I hid it from you"
"Your business is your business, as long as they weren't from frickin ninja battles I wouldn't care."
I let out a breath.
"And you don't see me any differently?"
"You're a dude, always have been always will be"
"For once Ry, I fuckin love your laid back attitude"
"Thanks, and thanks for telling me. Even though it isn't that important, friends should be honest"
He stood up.
I wrapped my arms around him.
"Thank you so much Ry"
"No problem"

Emo x male reader oneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon