Home alone - ryan ross

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You're aged about five(ish) and you're left home alone overnight in a power cut.

I was terrified when the lights went out, my arms clenching the blanket that I had wrapped around myself. With the lights went the tv and the PlayStation, everything I had used to distract myself from being home alone.
My quest was to find my flashlight, the one I had used on the camping trip with granny and grandpa, I knew it was somewhere downstairs but the thought of going down there was scaring me.
I stood at the top of the stairs, staring down into the darkness, lit by only a street lamp glinting through the blinds.
"Are you scared too"
I turned to see Ryan, his round face painted with fear.
"N-no, I'm a big boy, mummy said so"
Ryan was my best friend, I wasn't sure how old he was but he looked around my age. My mummy didn't like me talking to Ryan and Ryan didn't like my mummy.
"Can you go down first then? I'm really scared"
He gripped my wrist that was peeking out of my blanket.
With newfound confidence I began making my way down the stairs, my hand clutching the banister.
I ended up finding the torch in one of the kitchen cuboards. I flicked it on so the bright beam peirced the darkness and Ryans grip on my arm loosened.
"Let's get some food then go back upstairs"
Ryan sat cross-legged on the rug whilst I dragged a chair from the dining room so that I could grab some food.
The cupboard was running low, only a stray bag of crisps and half a chocolate bar lay inside.
"We might need to go out tomorrow Ry"
"Do you have any money left?"
"I think mummy left some on the table"
We ended up finding only a small amount of spare change, I couldn't tell how much it was.
"Do you think we can get anything"
"I don't know"
That's when an echoey thump came from down the hall, where the door was. We froze.
Then it came again this time with a voice.
"Hello, police, is there anyone there"
I slid off the chair, peering around the wall to see the door. Framed by the small frosted window was a dark shadow.
"O-Only me sir"
I tried to shout but my voice trembled.
"Okay, can you unlock the door?"
"Mummy told me not too open it while she's away"
The man paused.
"How old are you son?"
I counted on my fingers.
"And are you alone?"
"No, I'm with Ryan"
I nudged Ryan to get him to speak but he just shook his head.
"No mum or dad?"
"No sir"
He paused for a moment and I heard a loud noise, like a drill, before the door swung open.
"Son, I'm going to take you for a ride in my police car, are you fine with that?"
The mans face was calm and he wore a neat police uniform.
"If Ryan can come"
"Ok son, where is he then"
I turned to look at Ryan who was stood right behind me.
"Can't you see him?"
The police man smiled.
"Is Ryan your invisible friend? How cute"
Ryan's face had begun to falter, his usual shy smile being replaced with a frown.
"Do you think he's like your mummy?"
My mum never acknowledged Ryan, in fact no one did.
"He can't be like my mummy Ryan, he's really nice. I don't know why he can't see you"
The police man was beginning to look concerned.
"Son, why don't you just come with me"
I shyed away from the police man.
"You can't see Ryan?"
"No, the thing is, only you can see invisible friends, that's what makes them special"
"He's not invisible"
The policeman grabbed my wrist.
"C'mon son"
I began squirming in his grip.
Ryan just sat cross legged on the floor.
"Sorry y/n"

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