(Smut) Bad habits - Bert McCracken

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Loosely Based off real events so sorry if it's messy, my memory is shit.

I bumped into the guy on the stairs between the bathrooms and the dancefloor, the stairwell so thin that we had to squish past each other. Instead of trying I just went back down to the bar and ordered another drink, I didn't need the loo anyway.

I next met him there, at the bar. Three drinks later. He greeted me with a pickup line.
"So what's a handsome guy like you doing in a place like this"
I just smiled slightly, taking a sip of whatever I had in my hand at the time.
It went how you would expect from there. More drinks, terrible dancing, stumbling out onto the street at 3am. Eventually calling a taxi.
I ended up in his bed, getting what I had wanted when I set out that day.
My face shoved down into the mattress and the guy gripping my hips, I knew bruises would be there the next day. Sloppy hickeys and blunt nails digging into the mattress so hard that the fitted bedsheet untucked. loneliness dissolving for a while.
When we finally stopped the sun was rising. We parted ways with the exchanging of phone numbers and a promise to do this again.

That promise was soon fulfilled, this time as the sun was setting barely a week later.
Without alcohol clouding my senses, everything felt on fire. Pleasure erupting from everywhere he touched.
I once again got what I wanted. Bent over the kitchen counter, fucked until I couldn't walk, hair pulled until my scalp ached. Complimented by a pizza that arrived minutes after we climaxed.
We talked properly that night. A blunt passed between us as we lay on the couch, the room quietly filled with whatever was on the radio. Our voices just murmurs. That was the first night I fell asleep next to him.

It began happening with alarming regularity. To the point when every other day we would meet somewhere, just for a quick fuck and someone we could talk to. I began to trust him, more than I ever should have.
He knew my deepest secrets and I knew his.

Then he dropped the bombshell. He had a girlfriend. He was cheating on his fucking girlfriend with me. And she was beautiful, smart, talented. Everything I couldn't be.
From that moment I swore off him. I told myself I would never see him again. That didn't last long.
Just two weeks later we were at it again. It's like it was impossible to stop. Without him I I felt like dying, and anything was better than that.
I relied on him too much, I know. I was so desperate for human attention that I was willing to fuck a guy who had a family.
I was almost glad when his girlfriend found out. When she came round one night unannounced. But still I apologised, hiding my smile.
After she broke up with him it was like it had been before, almost every other day. I began getting used to my body being littered with bruises and hickeys. I fell into a routine that I probably shouldn't have.
Loneliness is my worst fear, without someone there I get depressed, to the point where I get suicidal. I will latch onto anything, even if we said no emotions involved.
I began thinking he might be the same as me, that he was latching onto whatever this was. My thought were dissolved with one sentence, as he pulled on his coat one night, ready to leave.
"This has to stop, sorry"
And I never saw him again, he blocked my number and moved on. Last I heard he was married, had a kid. With the same girl that dumped him.
I wish that could've been me but I know deep down that it would never have happened.

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