They're better off without you - Alex Gaskarth

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I wanted to get some emotions out, sorry it's kinda dark. I wish I had an Alex.
tw: suicidal thoughts

I use music to drown out them, the voices, the ones that torment me when the lights are out and everyone's asleep.
They tell me I'm worthless, that no one wants me around, that I might aswell off myself here and now.
Half the time I believe them.
The worst thing is who the voices belong to, its never the voice of a stranger, its always a close friend, a family member, or at the worst times, Alex. Thats what made them ten times worse.
I usually end up playing music in the middle of the night, filling my small room with the pounding of drums and the echoes of guitars until my brain would stop creating shadows of the people I love.
However tonight I couldn't, I had already had two noise complaints, a third and I would get chucked out. So I was stuck, hands clutching my head, blunt nails scratching my scalp and pulling at my hair.
I wanted to cry but I was so void of emotion that the tears wouldn't fall. I wanted to scream but my throat had dried up, turning my cries into dry sobs.
All this made worse by the fact that the little devil in my head was masquerading as the man I loved most, Alex's calm voice turned bitter, spitting out words the real Alex would never say. At times I could almost see him, his features twisted into an evil smirk.
I was so close, no one would really care would they? It would just be another suicide added to the dozens that happen every day. It was easy, just unlock the balcony door, the jump would be enough to kill me. My family already hate me, and I highly doubt my friends would care either.
Without realizing I was already there, the wind battering my face and bare arms. I could here the voice taunting me.
"go on, do it, no one loves you anyway"
I stepped over the barrier dividing me and a twelve story drop, leaving me stood on a thin ledge.
"just let go, I know you want to"
Then I felt something on my arm and a voice yelling over the almost deafening one in my head.
"Fuck, y/n, what are you doing"
Alex, the real one. The tears that had been begging to come out started rolling down my cheeks as I let Alex pull me away from the balcony and towards the sofa.
"I want to die Alex, I want to die"
I was curled into him by now, my tears soaking his t shirt.
"why didn't you call me"
"you're on tour, I didn't want to ruin it"
"baby, you couldn't ruin anything, I'm so glad I decided to come back early."
"I'm so fucking sorry 'lex"
"Shh, don't apoligize" he rubbed my back soothingly and pressed a kiss to the side of my head, "I love you so much baby, don't forget that"

Emo x male reader oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora